The idea of test-tube babies may make
you starry-eyed with delight at the wonders of modern medicine or bleary-eyed
with considering the moral/legal implications of starting life in a laboratory.
But if you’ve ever been pregnant(怀孕的)yourself, one thing is certain: You wonder
what it’s like to carry a test-tube baby. Are these pregnancies normal Are the
babies normal The earliest answers come from Australia, where a group of medical experts at the Queen Victoria Medical Center in Melbourne have taken a look at the continent’s first nine successful test-tube pregnancies. The Australians report that the pregnancies themselves seemed to proceed according to plan, but at birth some unusual trends did show up. Seven of the nine babies turned out to be girls. Six of the nine were delivered by Caesarean s [判断题]两侧放水平挡土板,用撑木加木楔顶紧,待土全部挖完后,一次支顶。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采场台阶边有无土挡都无所谓。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]与单价合同相比,总价合同的特点包括( )。
A. 发包单位可以较早确定或预测工程总造价 B. 发包人比承包人承担更大的风险 C. 发包人评标时不容易迅速确定最低报价的投标人 D. 应该完整而明确地规定承包人的工作 E. 不允许有任何设计变更 [单项选择]一德国人在中国法院涉诉,按照我国《民事诉讼法》的规定,下列哪个选项是不正确的
A. 该德国人可以亲自参与诉讼,不委托他人 B. 该德国人可以委托德国律师以非律师身份担任其诉讼代理人 C. 该德国人必须委托中国律师作为其诉讼代理人 D. 该德国人若委托他人代为进行诉讼,其委托书从境外寄交的,必须经过当地公证机关证明,并经我国驻该国使领馆认证 [单选题] ( )主要功用是保持系统压力的恒定和防止液压系统过载,起安全保护作用。(易)
A.溢流阀 B.顺序阀 C.单向阀 D.节流阀 [判断题]目前,外资非银行金融机构获准在中国境内开展汽车消费信贷业务。
[单选题]调速器空载扰动试验,扰动量一般为±8%,超调次数不超过 次。
A.一 B.二 C.三。 [判断题]>汽轮机组参与调峰运行,由于负荷变动和启停频繁,机组要经常承受剧烈的温度和压力变化,缩短了机组的使用寿命。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,47岁,咳嗽、痰中带血3个月,伴气急,吸气时有“鸟鸣音”,仰卧时尤著,高电压胸片发现隆突上约3cm处气管内软组织影()
A. 混合性呼吸困难 B. 劳力性呼吸困难 C. 吸气性呼吸困难 D. 呼气性呼吸困难 E. 静息呼吸困难 [单项选择]The author mentions the research performed on hamsters and rats most probably in order to
A. demonstrate a case where the implications of the labeled-line hypothesis clearly do not hold B. show the limits of experimental inquiry in determining the role of the individual neuron in taste C. explain the necessity for determining the extent to which visual perception is analogous to gustatory perception D. provide further corroboration for the predictions made by the across-pattern model of taste neurology E. prove the salient differences between taste perception in humans and in animals [判断题]振捣作业人员应穿好绝缘靴、戴好绝缘手套。搬动振动器或暂停作业应将振动器电源切断。运行中的振动器可以放在模板上但不可以放在脚手架上。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交