How jury panels(全体陪审员) are examined and selected is controlled by statute (法规), court rules, local practices, and the judge’s preferences. (偏爱)Your first step must always be to determine how a jury is selected in your judge’ s courtroom. When in doubt, ask the judge or his court personnel. (全体人员)
Them are many variations(变化) in jury selection methods, but most are based on the two principal systems used today. The first is generally known as the "strike system". Under this sys- tem every juror in the venire is questioned under one of the methods described earlier. As each juror is questioned, the lawyers simply fill out a sheet, often a printed form, that lists each juror in succession. (连续)When the last juror has been questioned, the lawyers for each party designate (指示) those jurors against whom they wish to exercise peremptory (最后的) challenges. The lawyers then give their lists to the judge, who compares them and then simply calls the first 12 nam
A. statues and court rules
B. lawyers and judges
C. trial techniques
D. methodology
1200万元,销售费用为80万元,财务费用30万元,管理费用为140万元(其中含新产品、新技术的研究开发费用16万元),缴纳增值税50万元,缴纳消费税70万元,城市维护建设税和教育费附加共计12万元,直接向灾区某单位捐款10万元。 根据所给内容回答下列问题(以万元为单位,小数点后保留两位): |
Japan is going through a complex
national identity crisis. That may be no bad thing, says a new book by an
American researcher. The economy is ceased making progress, but the society is
in motion. Japan is a difficult country to report on and analyze because things
do not change in big, noticeable ways. They change, in an increasing process,
generally of small steps but which, over time, can add up to big movements. And
just such a big movement seems to be taking place. Mr. Nathan has been observing Japan since the 1960s. Whereas most people look at economic data or the comings and goings Of prime ministers, he is more interested in schools, novels, comic books, and the minds of young entrepreneurs and maverick (持不同意见的) local politicians. In particular, his focus is on whether Japan’s famously cohesive, conformist so A. They are tiring Japanese parents up for a long time. B. They are not as serious as most Japanese have imagined. C. They are quickly on the increase especially in recent years. D. They are obviously endangering the safety of Japanese students. [判断题]资本利润率是指商业银行在一个会计年度内获得的税后利润与总资产平均余额的比率。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][T]A-F-A-001 4 2 1
锚段与锚段之间的衔接部分称为()。 A.锚段 B.锚段关节 C.跨距 D.锚支长度 [判断题]密贴检查器各接点片的接点压力应在6-12N之间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] "变电设备一类故障影响行车质量及客运服务,且供电系统短时( )不能恢复。
A.30分钟以内 B.50分钟以内 C.60分钟以内 D.70分钟以内" [判断题]钻井液用重晶石粉不溶于水和酸,对油气层有污染。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]煤矿企业为什么要搞事故应急救援处理预案?
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