In bringing up children, every parent
watches eagerly the child’s acquisition (学会) of each new skill the first spoken
words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It
is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this
can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the child. This
might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a
young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of
the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too
much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm for
life and his desire to find out new things for himself. Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money ma A. should encourage them to read before they know the meaning of the words they read B. should not expect too much of them C. should achieve a balance between pushing them too hard and leaving them on their own D. should create as many learning opportunities as possible [多选题]深层填充材料、预埋止水片或止水井损坏,维修措施包括()。
A.永久缝周围开槽凿宽 B.止水井周围开槽凿宽 C.浇筑混凝土 D.修复止水设施 E.用等级更高的材料恢复凿除部分 [单项选择]两根跨度相等的简支梁,内力相等的条件是()。
A. 截面面积相同 B. 截面形状相同 C. 材料相同 D. 外荷载相同 [单选题]磺胺类抗菌药口服可引起恶心,呕吐,食欲不振等症状,可减轻此反应的服药方法是( )。
A.餐前服或同服氯化铵 B.餐后服或同服氯化铵 C.餐前服或同服碳酸氢钠 D.餐后服或同服碳酸氢钠 [单选题]严重风湿性心脏炎伴心力衰竭的患儿恢复正常活动量所需时间是
A.2个月 B.3个月 C.4个月 D.5个月 E.6个月 [单选题]自耦变压器的降压启动是用来降低加在定子绕组上的( )
A.电压 B.电流 C.阻抗 [单选题]在员工“三违”风险排查和日常行为监测中,有关工作底稿要妥善保管,建立专项档案,( ),确保资料真实完整,专人保管,严禁外泄。
A.一人一档 B.分行一档 C.部室一档 D.机构一档 [判断题]电力机车牵引列车时严禁在绝缘锚段关节处停车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]传动比大而且准确的传动是( )。
A.带传动 B.链传动 C.齿轮传动 D.蜗杆传动 [单选题]关于混凝工艺,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.“混凝”的工艺过程实际上分为“凝聚”与“絮凝”两个过程,对应的工艺设备成为“混合”与“反应” B.凝聚所需的时间长,絮凝所需的时间短 C.絮凝过程应迅速搅拌,使生成的矾花进一步长大 D.凝聚过程中的颗粒碰撞属于“同向絮凝”,絮凝过程中的颗粒碰撞属于“异向絮凝” [简答题]车站发生火灾时司机的处理方式。
A. 控制流程图; B. 电气原理图; C. 安装接线图。 [简答题]为了防止司机可能产生的误操作,司控器调速手柄与换向手柄之间设有---装置。 ★、
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}} The idea that government should regulate intellectual property through copyrights and patents is relatively recent in human history, and the precise details of what intellectual property is protected for how long vary across nations and occasionally change. There are two standard sociological justifications for patents or copyrights: They reward creators for their labor, and they encourage greater creativity. Both of these are empirical claims that can be tested scientifically and could be false in some realms. Consider music. Star performers existed before the 20th century, such as Franz Liszt and Niccolo Paganini, but mass media produced a celebrity system promoting a few stars whose music was not necessarily the best or most diverse. Copyright provides protection for distribution companies and for a few celebrities, thereby helping to support the industry as currently defined, but it may actually harm the A. Countries may differ in their efforts to protect it. B. The author considers its protection well-grounded. C. People believe its protection may benefit creators. D. The history of its protection has not been long. [不定项选择题]相恶是指
A.两药同用,一药为主,一药为辅 B.一种药物的毒烈之性能被另一种药物减轻或消除 C.一种药物能减轻或消除另一种药物的毒烈之性 D.一种药物破坏另一种药物的功效 E.两种以上功用相同的药物合用相互促进 [单项选择]有关肝脏检查的描述中,错误的是()
A. 纵裂的内侧是右肝前叶 B. 胆囊左缘紧邻肝方叶 C. CT扫描在肝门区可显示门静脉,有时肝动脉也能清晰显示 D. 正常肝脏的密度比脾脏高 E. 肝尾状叶位于肝门和下腔静脉之间 [单项选择]中耳癌患者晚期可出现:()
A. 外耳道肉芽 B. 分泌物污秽 C. 颅神经损害 D. 张口困难 E. 耳流脓血 [判断题]当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为确有错误的,可以向原审人民法院或者上一级人民法院提出申诉,判决、裁定停止执行()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]林林的主要问题是( )
A.多动症 B.人际交往不良 C.冲动 D.偏执 [单项选择]参照完整性规则的更新规则中“级联”的含义是( )。
A. 更新父表中的连接字段值时,用新的连接字段值自动修改子表中的所有相关记录 B. 若子表中有与父表相关的记录,则禁止修改父表中的连接字段值 C. 父表中的连接字段值可以随意更新,不会影响子表中的记录 D. 父表中的连接字段值在任何情况下都不允许更新 [判断题]车辆在出警行驶途中,应开启警灯和警报器,严格遵守交通法规,确保行车安全。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]压风自救系统是指在矿山发生灾变时,为井下提供新鲜风流的系统,包括空气压缩机、送气管路、三通及阀门、油水分离器、压风自救装置等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Tom is ______ many other people who work here.
A. junior to B. junior than C. more junior to D. more junior than [单选题]关于路由协议的开销值(Cost),以下描述不正确的是:
A.由于不同的路由协议计算路由开销的依据不同,在引入路由时般建议自动转换 B.由于不同的路由协议计算路由开销的依据不同,在引入路由时般建议手工配置 C.通常ISIS和OSPF的开销值基于带宽,取值范围很大 D.通常RIP的开销基于跳数,取值范围根小 [单选题]分列式行进时,按照的 方队、 方队顺序行进( )
A.徒步、装备 B.装备、徒步 C.仪仗、徒步 D.仪仗、装备 [多项选择]风邪致病,可出现
A. 咳嗽咽痒 B. 头痛汗出 C. 肢体麻木 D. 四肢抽搐 [单选题]向不相隶属的单位行文,文种不可使用( )。
A.A:函。 B. C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交