After yuppies and dinkies, a new
creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON, an acronym linking New York
and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as jet-
setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan keep up). Marketing
professionals have noted that 1 the demise of Concorde, a
new class of high-earner increasingly 2 his or her time
shuttling 3 the twin capitals of globalization. And NYLONS
prefer their home comforts 4 tap in both cities. Despite
the impressive 5 of air miles, they are not adventurous people. As 6 from Tom Wolfe’s Masters of the Universe of the 1980s, NYLONS have done more than well 7 the long boom and A. regardless of B. even though C. although D. despite [单项选择]某保健品公司2004年全年销售收入2 000万元,通过某电视台的广告费支出为200万元,根据国家税务总局的有关规定,该公司2001年度在税前准予扣除的广告费支出为 ( )万元。
A. 200 B. 40 C. 60 D. 160 [单项选择]在周期性变化的边界温度作用下半无限大介质中的温度波在深度方向呈现衰减和延迟。当介质的热扩散率增大时,温度波的衰减度和延迟时间分别()
A. 减小、减小 B. 增加、增加 C. 增加、减小 D. 减小、增加 [判断题]用泡沫灭火剂扑灭油罐火灾时,如果火势很大,有时并不能将火完全扑灭会发生闷燃,引起爆炸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]企业规章制度是企业内部的( )。
A.规则 B.法律 C.规章 D.制度 [判断题]李嘉图等价定理认为政府利用减税或举债的财政政策刺激经济都是有效的。
A.禀赋的厚薄 B.性别的不同 C.年龄的大小 D.正气的强弱 E.邪气的性质 [判断题]安全帽的有效期为12个月。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最早提出用大剂红花、桃仁、降香及失笑散治疗死血心痛的医家是
A. 孙思邈 B. 危亦林 C. 王肯堂 D. 朱丹溪 E. 林佩琴 [判断题]增大抽提精馏装置的回流比,重液纯度会下降。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][TW]BAB003 4 1 2
应用总体特性平均值双侧限的采样验收方案时,d0表示( )。 A.标准差 B.允许差 C.方差 D.样品标准差[T/] [判断题]局减止回阀的作用是再制动时防止局减室内压力空气向制动管逆流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,55岁,因大面积心肌梗死急诊住院,现病情稳定。该患者已5d未大便,现无便意。心肌梗死患者要预防便秘,除水分外,还应增加的营养成分为 ()
A. 脂肪 B. 蛋白质 C. 必需脂肪酸 D. 胆固醇 E. 膳食纤维 [判断题]现场运维终端包括现场运维手持设备和现场配置终端等设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]医技科室首先要将“危急值”内容记录在科室的()上再立即电话告知伤病员所在科室的医务人员
A.危急值记录本 B.医院医疗信息系统的相应栏目上 C.交接班记录本 D.备忘录 [多项选择]建筑安装工程的质量检验按()进行检验。
A. 保证项目 B. 基本项目 C. 主控项目 D. 一般项目 E. 允许偏差项目 [判断题]持续一定时间全部试验包括感度保压试验、安定试验和持续一定时间的保压试验 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]函数y=x^2-lnx^2的单调减区间是( )。
A.(-∞,-ln2),(0,ln2) B.(-∞,-1),(0,ln2) C.(-∞,-ln2),(0,1) D.(-∞,-1),(0,1) [单项选择]某脑外伤患者,头CT示左额颞顶新月状高密度影,其诊断是()
A. 急性硬膜外血肿 B. 急性硬膜下血肿 C. 脑挫裂伤 D. 颅内血肿 E. 高血压脑出血 [单项选择]泵的轴瓦位于轴承座与()之间。
A. 瓦背 B. 瓦衬 C. 轴承 D. 轴径 [判断题]TN-S系统是指电源中性点接地,中性线与保护线分开的系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人体上、下肢骨的数目和排列方式截然不同。
[单项选择]They have the competence to take this job.
A. possibility B. reality C. capacity D. probability [填空题]Kathy was a university student. Like most students she had very little money, but she wanted to buy a car.
"If I can buy one really cheap that works," she thought, "I will save money on bus{{U}} (36) {{/U}}. Then I’ll have more to spend on{{U}} (37) {{/U}}"
She spent a day looking at cars in the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}car stores. Most of them were much too expensive for her to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, but at last she found one for $250.
The car was rather used and the paint was badly{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, but it worked.
"It’s got a good engine," the salesman said, "and the gear box is O.K. Forget everything else."
Kathy bought the car and drove it out of the car yard. Everything was wrong with it except for the engine and gear box, which worked very well.
"As long as they work," Kathy thought, "nothing else{{U}} (41) {{/U}}The salesman was right."
{{U}} (42) {{/U}}, a few days later, while she was driving to her university, a police car drove up beside her and
[单选题]在超过( )坡度的线路上,不得无动力停留机车车辆。
A.1.5‰ B.2.5‰ C.6‰ D.12‰ [填空题]印象派主要画妇女肖像和裸女的是( ),代表作有( )( )、( )。
[单项选择]下列业务中,不涉及现值计量属性的是( )。
A. 分期付款方式下固定资产入账价值的确定 B. 融资租人固定资产入账成本的确定 C. 交易性金融资产的期末计价 D. 计提长期股权投资减值准备 [多选题]带电短接设备中,用分流线带电短接断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)、跌落式熔断器等载流设备,应遵守下列()分流线应支撑好,以防摆动造成接地或短路等规定。
A.短接前一定要核对相位。 B.组装分流线的导线处应清除氧化层,且线夹接触应牢固可靠。 C.35kV及以下设备使用的绝缘分流线的绝缘水平应符合表15的规定。 D.断路器(开关)应处于合闸位置,并取下跳闸回路熔断器,锁死跳闸机构后,方可短接。 我来回答: 提交