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发布时间:2024-02-26 01:51:11

[不定项选择题]The author gives substance to the passage through the use of___________.
A.interviews with authorities in the field of water controls
B.opinion and personal observations
C.definitions which clarify important terms
D.strong argument and persuasion

更多"[不定项选择题]The author gives substance "的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 California Gives Green Light to Space Solar Power

Energy beamed down from space is one step closer to reality,now that California has given the green
light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and Electric Company buy 200 megawatts(兆瓦)of power
beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016.But some major challenges will have to be
overcome if the technology is to be used widely.
A start-up company called Solaren is designing the satellites,which it says will use radio waves to beam
energy down to a receiving station on Earth.
The attraction of collecting solar power in space is the almost uninterrupted sunshine available in geo-
synchronous(与地球同步的)orbit. Earth-based solar cells , by contrast , can only collect sun light during day-
time and when skies are clear.
But space-based solar power must grapple(努力克服)with the high cost per kilogram of launching things in-
to space,says Richard Schwartz of Purdue University in West Lafayette,Indiana."if you're talking about it being
economically viable for power of the Earth,it's a tough go,"he says.
Cal Boerman,Solaren's director of energy services,says the company designed its satellites with a view
to keeping launch costs down."We knew we had to come up with a different,revolutionary design,"he says.
A patent the company has won describes ways to reduce the system's weight,including using inflatable mir-
rors to focus sunlight on solar cells,so a smaller number can collect the same amount of energy.
But using mirrors introduces other challenges,including keeping the solar cells from overheating,says
Schwartz."You have to take care of heat dissipation(散发)because you're now concentrating a lot of energy
in one place,"he says.According to the company's patent,Solaren's solar cells will be connected to radia-
tors to help keep them cool.
Though Boerman says the company believes it can make space-based solar power work,it is not expec-
ting to crowd out other forms of renewable energy.Laws in California and other states require increasing use
of renewable energy in coming years,he points out."To meet those needs,we're going to need all types of
renewable energy sources,"he says. Many countries will grant permission for the use of space-based solar power soon.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost
Eating potatoes is not only good for bowel health,but also for the whole immune system,espe- cially when they come in the form of a potato salad or eaten cold.In a study on an animal model, researchers in Spain found that pigs fed large_________(51)of raw potato starch(RPS)not on-ly had a healthier bowel,but also decreased levels of white blood cells,________(52)as leuco- cytes and lymphocytes in their blood.White blood cells are produced as a_________(53)of in-fEammation or disease,generally when the body is challenged.
The general down-regulation of leucocytes observed by the Spanish researchers suggests an overall beneficial effect,a generally more_________(54)body.The reduction in leucocyte levels was about 15 percent.Lower lymphocyte levels are also indicative of_________(55)levels of in-flammation,but the observed reduction in both lymphocyte density_________(56)lymphocyte apoptosis is surprising.
In_________(57)was the longest study of its kind,pigs were fed RPS over 14 weeks to _________(58)the effect of starch on bowel health.“The use of raw potato starch in this experi-ment is_________(59)to simulate the effects of a diet high in resistant starch,”said study leader Jose Francisco Perez at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona,Spain.
Humans do not eat_________(60)potatoes,but they do eat a lot of foods that contain resist-ant starch,such as cold boiled potatoes,legumes,grains,green bananas,pasta and cereals.About 10 percent of the starch eaten by human is resistant starch—starch that is not_________(61)in the small intestine and so is shunted into the large intestine where it ferments.Starch consumption is thought to reduce the_________(62)of large bowel cancer and may also have an effect on irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).
Immunology expert Lena Ohman' s team_________(63)found that the overall lymphocyte levels do not vary for IBS patients,but that lymphocytes are transferred from the peripheral blood to the gut,which support the hypothesis of lBS being_________(64)least partially an inflammato- ry disorder. She says the decrease in lymphocytes observed by the Spanish is therefore interest-ing,and a diet of resistant starch may be worth_________(65)in lBS patients.Ohman is cur-rently at the Department of Internal Medicine,Goteborg University,Sweden.The study is pub-lished in the Journal Chemistry and Industry,the magazine of the SCI. 65._________
B.to try


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