2001年10月10日,某区基层法院作出判决,判决撤销某区公安局的处罚决定,返还当事人甲500元罚款,没收的货物交有关部门处理,要求在判决生效后5日内执行。后当事人均未上诉,区公安局既没返还罚款,也没将没收的物品移交有关部门处理。请回答以下各题。 |
The Norwegian Government is doing its
best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to an
area south of the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have
been laid down(though these have already been raised); and oil companies have
not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers. But
the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people believe
that the Government will be able to hold things back for long. Ever since the war, the Government has been carrying out a program of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle. For the past few years this program has had a great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people so A. they form such a large part of Norwegian society B. their views of life and value agree with the Norwegian government’s C. Norwegians respect them as representatives(代表)of Norwegian culture D. they regard oil as harm to the Norwegian way of life [单项选择]The girl was heard __________ in the next room.
A. sing B. to sing C. sang [多项选择]干气密封系统中()去火炬系统;()去放空管。
A. 主密封气与部分泄露气; B. 主密封气与辅助密封气; C. 隔离气与辅助密封气; D. 隔离气与极少泄露气 [单选题]以下哪些票卡有超程业务?()
A.储值类卡 B.纪念票 C.计次票 D.单程票 [多选题]项目负责人现场带班,必查下列( )等内容:
A. 专职安全员到位履职情况 B. 洞口、临边防护情况 C. 施工用电应做到“三级配电、二级保护” D. 钢管脚手架(含悬挑脚手架)应符合规范要求 E. 高处作业人员应按规定佩戴安全带 [单选题]SS4G型电力机车辅助压缩机代号是( )。
A.96 B.97 C.98 [多项选择]某股份有限公司系国有企业改制而设立,在设立过程中出现了以下几种情况,其中符合《公司法》规定的是( )。
A. 发起人一共有4人,皆在中国境内有住所 B. 在公司登记机关登记的注册资本总额为1000万元人民币 C. 有一名发起人以土地使用权作价100万元人民币作为出资,另一名发起人以自有专利技术作价100万元人民币作为出资 D. 公司的注册资本中货币出资金额为200万元 [单项选择]听到的是京腔京韵的侯宝林的相声,看到的却是卡通人物在说学逗唱;看到的是原汁原味的生旦净末丑的表演,听到的却是流行歌曲的韵律。借助Flash等现代化手段,传统戏曲也逐渐地被“80后”甚至“90后”所喜欢。传统戏曲的这一个“漂亮转身”启示我们()
A. 文化创新的立足点在于满足更多人的需要 B. 借助多媒体等现代工具便能实现文化创新 C. 文化创新不仅需要继承更需融入时代元素 D. 文化创新需要注重面向世界、博采众长 我来回答: 提交