Credit and credibility{{/B}} In pursuit of a new source of profit, many of the entities that call themselves banks have strayed far from the business of taking and safeguarding the public’s deposits and running the payment system. Competition has forced banks to range so far, in so many directions and at such a lick that, perhaps for the first time since the days of Shylock, it is necessary to stop to ask quite what is a bank. The gales of change will leave many banks looking different in form and substance from a decade ago. Banking is traditionally thought of as one business, not least of all by bankers. Yet, as Mr. Thomas Steiner of Mckinsey, a management consultancy, points out, it comprises around 150 different lines of business. There is little that is special about many of them. In future, plenty of th A. Competition is gradually forcing banks to question their identity. B. Most of the different activities done by banks could be done by other types of institution. C. Regulations in America and Japan are preventing commercial banks from getting into the securities business. D. Separating the commercial and investment banking activities of some American banks would be very difficult. [多项选择]甲、乙两企业均为增值税一般纳税人,双方协议由乙代销甲的产品,售价由甲定,乙不得擅自提价;产品售出后乙按销售额收取手续费。此项活动中甲、乙各自承担的纳税义务为 ( )。
A. 甲为增值税纳税人,乙仅为营业税纳税人 B. 甲、乙均为增值税纳税人 C. 甲既是增值税纳税人,也是营业税纳税人 D. 乙既是增值税纳税人,也是营业税纳税人 [判断题]高频阻波器新投入运行时,表面油漆应无变色,红外测温本体和接头无发热。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人工广播原则上仅在自动广播无法满足需求时使用,非使用时段,人工广播处于关闭状态。人工 广播严格按照标准用语播放,使用普通话,语调平稳圆润、音量适中、读音准确、声音清亮;播放两遍为宜,播放时应保持室内安静。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各级烟草专卖局在对非法运输烟草专卖品活动进行检查和处理过程中,可以对涉嫌非法运输烟草专卖品的有关合同、发票、帐册、单据、记录、文件、业务函电和其他资料等进行( )。
A.查阅、复制 B.检查、摘抄 C.检查、复印 D.摘抄、复印 [单项选择]腰4~5椎间盘突出通常压迫的神经根是
A. 腰3 B. 腰4 C. 腰5 D. 骶1 E. 骶2 [单选题]总容量为100kVA以下的变压器接地电阻不应大于( )Ω。
A.4 B.6 C.10 D.20 [填空题]Scientists have discovered that plants themselves produce many poisonous chemicals for{{U}} (36) {{/U}}against insects. But insects have developed ways of{{U}} (37) {{/U}}with them and, in fact, have been eating plants for about 250 million years. Now insects are using these same{{U}} (38) {{/U}}to deal with man-made poi sons--insecticides. This is why{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of insects to insecticides has developed so{{U}} (40)
What should be done Scientists studying the problem suggest that farmers use less insecticides. At the moment, farmers{{U}} (41) {{/U}}spray crops as a{{U}} (42) {{/U}}against problems that are caused by large number of pests. They should, instead, spray only where pests have actually been seen. Secondly, farmers could use a{{U}} (43) {{/U}}of two or three insecticides at once.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}
The most surprising suggestion, perhaps, is that at certain times of the year,{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. The new insects will mate with those which
[单选题] 要积极参与( ),支持驻地经济社会发展和生态文明建设,开展联建联创活动,完成好应急救援任务。
A. 政府任务 B. 社会活动 C. 扶贫帮困 D. 扶危救困 [单项选择]患者女,28岁。总抱着两个杯子,说一个杯子是她儿子,一个杯子是她丈夫,她不能将儿子和丈夫丢下不管。总担心杯子会丢掉,惴惴不安。认为杯子一丢,丈夫和儿子就会出事。患者意识清晰,神经系统检查无异常。该患者的治疗方案()
A. 抗抑郁药物治疗 B. 抗强迫药物治疗 C. 抗焦虑药物治疗 D. 抗精神病药物治疗 E. 认知行为治疗 [单项选择]皮肤被氨水灼伤后,除用水冲洗外,还可用()冲洗。
A. 2%盐酸 B. 2%小苏打水 C. 醋酸 D. 2%福尔马林 [单项选择]男性,60岁,体重50kg,既往无心血管病史,走路不慎,滑入刚溶的石灰水中,造成双下肢烫伤(不包括臀部)。如果在第一天休克复苏过程中,患者烦躁、口渴、尿量20ml/h,脉搏增加至150/分,临床进一步处理是()。
A. 口服饮料止渴 B. 肌肉注射镇静药或冬眠疗法 C. 加快输液速度 D. 吸氧 E. 加用广谱抗生素 [单选题]《广西电网公司办公场所电梯事故应急处置卡》 电梯运行速度不正常时,首先动作是( )。
A.迅速按下低于当前位置各楼层按钮。 B.背部紧贴电梯内壁利用其保护脊椎,双腿微弯并提起脚尖。 C.双手抱颈保护颈椎。 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]若发动机曲轴主轴承响,则其响声随发动机转速的提高而()。
A. 减小 B. 增大 C. 先增大后减小 D. 先减小后增大 [判断题]铁路运输企业所属临管铁路发生的责任伤亡事故,定该企业责任事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]11月份非VIP基站水浸故障处理时限为4小时。()
[多选题]施工单位必须全面了解拆除工程的图纸和资料,根据建设拆除工程特点,进行实地勘 察,并应编制有()的施工组织设计或方案以及各项安全技术措施。
A.针对性 B.安全性 C.可行性 D.经济性 E.合理性 [单选题]因故间断电气工作( )者,应重新学习安规,并经考试合格后,方能恢复工作。
A. 3个月以上 B. 连续3个月以上 C. 6个月以上 D. 连续6个月以上 我来回答: 提交