{{B}}Go ahead. Read this leaflet. You don’t have to
watch the road the way you do when you drive the car. CONGRATULATIONS !{{/B}} By riding public transportation, you are he]ping to solve some of the major pollution problems in Boston. {{B}}1. AIR POLLUTION.{{/B}} Motor vehicles are to blame for over 80% of the air pollution in the city. Eighty-nine percent of" the vehicles in Boston are personal cars and 50 percent of them are often operated with only one person in the car. If people would use public transportation instead of their cars, air pollution levels could be greatly lowered. {{B}}2. SPACE POLLUTION.{{/B}} Thirty percent of the land in downtown Boston is devoted to cars. Where there are garages, there could be gardens. Where there are highways, there should A. the city will have more money to deal with pollution problems B. fewer people will drive their own cars C. there will be more places for trees and grass D. buses and trains do not produce dangerous gas [判断题]高压电流互感器二次侧接地属于工作接地,不是保护接地。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某商场从甲、乙、丙三种渠道进了一批同规格的电视机,其中,甲渠道进了100台,单价为2450元;乙渠道进了50台,单价为2480元;丙渠道进了150台,单价为2420元。为了使这批电视机的毛利率不低于20%,每台电视机的平均销售价应不低于()元。注:毛利率=利润/销售价。
A. 2940 B. 2928 C. 2796 D. 3050 [多选题]国家电网公司运维检修部是公司系统变电检修管理归口部门,以下是其履行的职责是:()
A.组织制定变电设备检修管理制度 B.负责与国调中心协调设备停电检修计划安排 C.组织重大设备故障、异常、隐患技术分析 D.组织检修新技术、新工艺、新方法的研究应用 [判断题]对烧伤伤员的抢救措施,至于轻度烧伤的伤员,可立即用冷水直接反复泼浇伤面,彻底消除皮肤上的余热,以减轻伤势和疼痛。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工资指导线上线也称预警线,是对( )提出的警示和提示。
A. 亏损企业 B. 经济效益较差企业 C. 生产经营正常、有经济效益企业 D. 工资增长较快、工资水平较高企业 [单项选择]
男性,32岁,车祸伤致颈项部剧烈疼痛,四肢不能活动,尿闭,大便失禁8小时,体检:双上肢屈肘位畸形,肱三头肌以下肌力0级,前臂以下四肢及躯干深浅感觉消失,肱二头肌腱反射存在,肱三头肌腱以下深浅反射消失,病理征引不出。颈椎正侧位平片见C5前脱位。 若患者出现高位颈椎受损,早期出现的严重并发症是()A. 胃肠功能减弱、大小便失禁 B. 心力衰竭 C. 呼吸衰竭 D. 肢体肌肉萎缩 E. 四肢关节挛缩 [单选题]以下哪种不是卫星云图种类?
A.红外卫星云图 B.可见光卫星云图 C.多光谱卫星云图 [多项选择]GPS是全球定位系统的简称,测量时GPS网的基本形式有( )几种。
A. 星形网 B. 矩形网 C. 梅花网 D. 环形网 E. 三角形网 我来回答: 提交