(1)2010年1月1日,甲公司以银行存款240万元取得B公司10%的股权,取得投资当日B公司可辨认净资产公允价值为2 400万元。
(8)2012年度,B公司发生亏损5 466.67万元,2012年B公司因可供出售金融资产增加资本公积100万元。假定甲公司账上有应收B公司的长期应收款60万元且B公司无任何清偿计划。2012年末,甲公司从B公司购入的商品仍未实现对外销售。
Text 1
"All too often.., in the history of the United States, the school teacher has been in no position to serve as a model to the intellectual life," Hofstadter wrote. "Too often he has not only no claims to an intellectual life of his own, but not even an adequate workmanlike competence in the skills he is supposed to impart."
Harsh words, perhaps, but Hofstadter’s idea makes sense: If teachers--on the front line of education--don’t have an active intellectual life, they’re not likely to communicate a love of learning and critical thinking to their students.
In his 1995 book, Out of Our Minds: Anti-Intellectualism and Talent Development in American Schools, Craig Howley cites several studies about the education and habits of public school teachers. According to one study, prospective teachers take fewer liberal arts courses than their counterparts in other arts and science majors--and fewer upper-division cou
A. the brightest students will choose to work as teachers.
B. teachers will read academic books in their spare time.
C. teachers play key roles in building intellectual culture.
D. the social status of American teachers is quite high nowadays.
在2003年中国信息产业经济年会上,国家发改委提供了如下数据:中国手机业产业规模快速增长,2001年我国生产手机8 397.5万部,同比增长118.1%,2002年同比增长43%, 2003年同比增长21%,今年中国手机产量居全球第一,已占到全球产量的35%。 我国手机国内市场仍有发展空间,但与前几年相比,已经大大压缩。在产量巨大的同时,中国的手机供应过剩状况将日益加剧。目前国内市场容量初步预计仅在6 900万部左右,今后几年手机供大于求的状况将持续下去。 中国2004年调低了手机生产目标,信息产业部预测,2004年中国手机产量为1.7亿部,同时调高出口目标,出口9 000万部,比去年增加1 000万部。国产手机市场占有率将进一步提高。 经过几年的努力,国产品牌手机的市场占有率已由1999年的5%,达到2003年的56%。外资企业和外国品牌独霸国内手机市场的局面,已得到根本改变。