Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. |
In the United States, there is some
disagreement (to say the least) over the risks and benefits .of nuclear power.
There can be no question that with our electrical power needs increasing
rapidly, we cannot rely indefinitely on the earth’s remaining fossil fuel
supply. The question is, can we safely shift our reliance to nuclear fission
power plants—considering the present state of our knowledge and technology The
American public has, in the past few years, developed a rather strong consensus
regarding this question. Nuclear power has fallen into disfavor. The risks seem
too great, the reward too small—at least for the immediate future. It is not likely that an explosion of the type produced by atomic bombs can occur in the kinds of nuclear reactors being used today. However, we still don’t know how c A. can only occur at the plant Site B. may occur when wastes are transported or recycled C. are limited to structural problems within the plant D. are primarily a result of carelessness [单选题]券4
关于道德,准确的说法是( ) A.做事符合他人利益就是有道德 B.道德是处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间关系的特殊行为规范 C.道德就是做好人好事 D.道德因人、因时而异,没有确定的标准 [单项选择]兰花()是兰花易发生而普遍严重的病害。
A. 白粉病 B. 锈病 C. 炭疽病 D. 叶斑病 [单项选择]根据《中国电信本地网网络资源命名规范v2010.11》,电路属性标识符用于标识中继业务电路类型及其他电路属性。中继电路业务类型及业务标识符,C网接入层电路业务类型标识为()。
A. C B. SC C. DN D. SC2B [判断题]锚杆支护是锚杆与围岩共同作用,以达到巷道支护的目的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]集中监测测试电源漏流时,“一定要在天窗点内要点进行”。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]期货交易买卖的直接对象是期货合约,而不是商品本身。
A. B超检查 B. 阴道镜检查 C. 宫腔镜检查 D. 分段诊刮 E. 宫颈细胞学检查 [判断题]疼痛是第五项生命体征。 ( ).
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]抵债资产自接收后应尽快处置变现,不动产和股权原则上应自接收日起( )年内予以变现处置。
A.半年 B.一年 C.两年 D.三年 [单选题]电力系统的架空线路和电气设备的外绝缘一般采用大气作为绝缘间隙,并不处于真空,因此不会出现
A.辉光放电 B.电弧放电 C.火花放电 [单选题]电缆排管混凝土的强度等级不应低于( ),宜采用商品混凝土。[《国家电网公司输变电工程标准工艺(三) 工艺标准库(2016年版)》,工艺编号:0301010204]
A.A. B.C.25 C.B. D.C.20 E.C. F.C.15 [单选题]大队党的基层委员会一般每届任期( )年。
A.1年 B.3年 C.5年 D.7年 [多选题]5 7 3
根据控制精度区分,矢量控制又可分 为()。 A.开环矢量控制 B.开方矢量控制 C.闭环矢量控制 D.闭方矢量控制 [单项选择]传染病菌种、毒种的保藏、携带、运输()
A. 在明确诊断前,在指定场所进行医学观察 B. 不得从事国务院卫生行政部门规定禁止从事的易使该传感病扩散的工作 C. 必须按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定严格管理 D. 必须在卫生防疫机构的监督指导下进行严密消毒后处理 E. 有关单位应当根据国家规定,采取有效防护措施和医疗保健措施 [简答题]I prefer to communicate with my customers________ (通过写电子邮件而不是打电话).
[判断题]无形资产预期不能为企业带来未来经济利益时,企业应将其账面价值转入当期损益。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]凡是超规模、超标准、超投资概算建设的办公用房项目,应当根据具体情况 超标准面积或者全部 。( )
A.限期腾退 B.没收 C.出租 D.拍卖 [单项选择]某物流配送公司在月度考核中发现,在为用户配送的800单位产品中,有20单位没有达到客户的要求,则该公司物流配送服务水平为( )。
A. 95.5% B. 96.5% C. 97.5% D. 98.5% [单项选择]对于有较大电容的线路和设备,测量终了也应进行放电。放电时间一般不应少于()min。
A. 10 B. 2~3 C. 5~10 D. 39 [填空题]When Canadians need health care, they generally contact a primary health care professional, who could be a family doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, pharmacist, etc., often working in a team of health care professionals. Services provide at the first point of contact with the health care system are known for primary health care services and they form the foundation of the health care system.
In generally, primary health care serves a dual function. First, it provides direct provision of first-contact health care services. Second, it coordinates patient’s health care services to assure continuity of care and ease of movement across the health care system when more specialized services needed. Primary health care services often including prevention and treatment of common diseases and injuries; basic emergency services; primary mental health care; a health promotion; healthy child development; primary maternity care; and rehabilitation services. [多项选择]下列选项中属于卫生法学主要研究内容的有()
A. 卫生事业 B. 卫生法的基本原则 C. 卫生法的特征、渊源 D. 卫生法的产生及其发展规律 [单项选择]《红楼梦》第三回浓墨重彩地描写了贾府的主要人物,是通过谁到贾府来介绍的:()
A. 薛宝钗 B. 林黛玉 C. 史湘云 D. 妙玉 [多选题]重大危险源应与()保持安全隔离。
A.居民区 B.机场 C.水库 D.公共设施 E.作业区 [单项选择]女,人流术后5天,发热2天,下腹痛,伴脓性白带。查体:腹软,下腹轻压痛,无反跳痛;子宫稍大,压痛明显;两侧附件阴性;白细胞总数20×10/L,中性0.84。应诊断为()
A. 急性盆腔腹膜炎 B. 盆腔结缔组织炎 C. 急性阑尾炎 D. 急性子宫内膜炎 E. 急性附件炎 我来回答: 提交