Shanghai is the largest city in China.
About eleven million people make their homes in Shanghai and its suburbs
(郊区). This enormous (巨大的) city spreads out along the banks of the Hoang Pu
River, which flows into the mouth of the Yangtze River about fourteen miles
north of here. Large oceangoing ships travel to Shanghai by way of the Yangtze
and the Huang Pu. Shanghai was a small, unimportant city until 1842 when China lost a war with Great Britain. Tile British realized that Shanghai was in an excellent location(位置) to serve as a seaport for the densely(密集) populated Yangtze River Plain. They forced the Chinese to allow English traders to settle on the wastelands outside the city walls. Later, French, American, and Japanese traders also came to Shanghai. The foreigners built whole new sections of Shanghai, including homes, stores, factories, A. less than eleven million B. more than eleven million C. exactly eleven million D. over eleven million [单选题]房地产经纪人在房地产经纪信息加工整理的过程中,通过对信息的( ),产生具有深度和新价值的信息并提高自身的判断、思考能力。
A.筛选 B.鉴别 C.研究 D.编辑 [单选题]新工人的三级安全教育是指( )、车间教育和班组教育。
A.启蒙教育 B.厂级教育 C.礼仪教育 [单项选择]银行承总汇票到期结算,如承兑申请人无款或不足支付,承兑银行应将票款或不足部分转入( )科目核算。
A. 逾期贷款 B. 短期贷款 C. 抵押贷款 D. 贴现 [判断题]LMIS的最终目标是在“3S1L”(Speed、Safety、Surely和Low)的原则下,以最少的费用提供最好的物流服务。
[单项选择]公安机关的性质、任务决定了公安队伍必须保持政治坚定,站稳政治立场,把握正确方向。因此,公安队伍正规化建设,必须始终把( )放在公安队伍建设的首位。
A. 从严治警、依法治警 B. 科教强警 C. 从优待警 D. 政治建警 [判断题]凝汽器铜管扩胀试验是切取50mm长的铜管,打入45°的车光锥体,扩管至管内径比原铜管内径大30%,若不出现裂纹等损伤即为合格。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.64 以下关于新能源汽车专用号牌的编码规则,不正确的是( )___。
A.小型新能源汽车专用号牌的第一位先启用字母D、F B.小型新能源汽车专用号牌的后五位必须使用数字 C.大型新能源汽车专用号牌的第六位先启用字母D、F D.大型新能源汽车专用号牌的前五位必须使用数字 [单项选择]Scientists around the world are racing to learn how to rapidly diagnose,treat and stop the spread of a new,deadly disease.SARS—Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome—was (1) for the first time in February 2003 in Hanoi, (2) since then has infected more than 1,600 people in 15 countries,killing 63.At this (3) ,there are more questions than answers surrounding the disease.
Symptoms start (4) a fever over 100.4 degrees F,chills,headache or body (5) .Within a week,the patient has a dry cough,which might (6) to shortness of breath.In 10% to 20% of cases,patients require (7) ventilation to breathe.About 3.5% die from the disease.Symptoms (8) begin in two to seven days,but some reports suggest it (9) take as long as 10 days.Scientists are close to (10) a lab test to diagnose SARS.In the meantime,it is diagnosed by its symptoms.There is no evidence (11) antibiotics or antiviral medicines help,< A. 1ately B. newbom C. newly D. renewed [填空题]代理商对其代理经营的图书没有(),不承担图书滞销造成的存书损失和资金占用损失。
A. 具备健全且运行良好的组织结构 B. 具有持续盈利能力,财务状况良好 C. 公司在最近3年内财务会计文件无虚假记载,无其他重大违法行为 D. 公司在最近1年内财务会计文件无虚假记载,无其他重大违法行为 [单项选择]下列( )是交通标线的主要作用。
A. 美观 B. 管制 C. 应付检查 D. 恐吓 [单选题]车道控制器,是收费系统中重要的组成之一,其组成主要有电源、工控机和( )及其他附属设备。
A.A.IC卡读写器 B.B.字符叠加器 C.C.显示器 D.D.验钞机 [判断题]对注入220kV电压等级的变压器后的绝缘油应进行含气量测试。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )混凝土枕(含混凝土宽枕)地段无缝线路,当轨温在实际锁定轨温减30 ℃以下时,伸缩区和缓冲区禁止进行维修作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] HTML 中的 标记用于设置单元格 ( ) 。 | A. 宽度 B. 跨越多列 C. 跨越多行 D. 边框 我来回答: 提交