Late next century, when scholars are
scripting the definitive history of the PC, these last few years of high-octane
growth may actually be (1) as the Dark Ages. Historians will
marvel at (2) we toiled in front of monolithic, beige BUBs
(big ugly boxes), suffering under the oppressive glare of cathode-ray tubes
(3) our legs scraped against the 10-pound towers beneath our
desks. They may also mark 1999 (4) the start of the PC renaissance, (5) manufacturers finally started to get it: design matters. In this holiday season, computer shoppers will (6) unprecedented variety in shapes, sizes and colors—and (7) in Apple’s groundbreaking line of translucent iMacs and iBooks. (8) every major PC maker now has innovative desktop designs (9) the way to market, from hour A. said B. depicted C. spoken D. predicted [单项选择]某企业本年息前税前利润10000元,测定的经营杠杆系数为2,预计明年销售增长率为5%,则预计明年的息前税前利润为()元。
A. 10000 B. 10500 C. 20000 D. 11000 [多选题]根据安全要求,遇到(____)等天气不应进行红外线测量。
A.雷 B.雨 C.雪 D.雾 [填空题]11 下列各项行为中,不需要纳税人自行缴纳消费税的是( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]倒闸操作前不核对设备、违规跳项、漏项操作,或擅自解锁操作。属于( )违章。
A.闯红线 B.特别严重 C.严重 D.一般 [单选题]采用压铅法测量轴承间隙时,所选用的铅丝直径应为_____才能保证测量的准确性。(264116:第02-02章 柴油机主要部件及检修)
A.(0.5~1.0)△安 B.(1.O~2.0) △安 C.(1.5~2.0) △安 D.(2.0~3.O) △安 [单项选择]计算机辅助制造的简称为______。
A. CAD B. CAI C. CAM D. CAE [单项选择]根尖片可显示下列哪种牙髓病变()
A. 牙髓钙化 B. 牙髓坏死 C. 急性牙髓炎 D. 牙髓充血 E. 以上都能显示 [单项选择]关节功能丧失,但X线片显示关节间隙正常,无骨小梁贯穿其间()
A. 关节肿胀 B. 关节全脱位 C. 关节破坏 D. 关节纤维性强直 E. 关节半脱位 我来回答: 提交