New tectmology links the world as never
before. {{U}}Our planet has shrunk{{/U}}. It’s now a "global village" where
countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of
course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is
greatly enhanced by foreign language skills. Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modem business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modem markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts. Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executives stationed in another country no longer need fear being "{{U}}out of sight and out of mind{{/U}}." He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and A. change position or place B. take action or do something C. propose formally for discussion and decision D. persuade somebody to change his attitude [判断题] 绝热材料与吸声材料一样,都需要孔隙结构为封闭孔隙。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]该患者意识障碍程度为
A. 轻度昏迷 B. 中度昏迷 C. 深度昏迷 D. 昏睡 E. 嗜睡 [判断题]取得《公路水运工程试验检测机构等级证书》同时通过计量认证的试验检测机构,可向社会提供检测服务()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](多选题)对党员发展对象进行政治审查的主要内容包括( )。
A.对党的路线、方针、政策的态度 B.政治历史和在重大政治斗争中的表现 C.遵纪守法和遵守社会公德情况 D.直系亲属和与本人关系密切的主要社会关系的政治情况 [判断题]严禁在驾驶室和车箱内乱扔烟头、火柴以免引燃座垫或周围的易燃物。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]影响刮板输送机输送能力的因素是()。
A. 采煤机牵引速度 B. 采高 C. 截深 D. 装满系数 [填空题] Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Although clichés about the "vulnerability" of women in the economy have been disproved by hard BLS data, we want to believe them. When women lose jobs, the victims are women. When men lose jobs, the victims are, women, because they have to make up for that lost male income. The scale of male job losses was evident even when the stimulus bill was passed. That did not stop incoming Congressman Jared Polls, a Colorado Democrat, from warning Obama that "gender imbalance in occupations related to basic facility development means that the direct job creation will benefit mostly men." Men still make up 53% of the workforce, and the percentage of society’s work they do is considerably higher, owing to women’s shorter hours and more frequent leave for child-rearing. In prosperous times, women may yearn for more time at home. But economic realities have a way of washing away these yearnings. One such reality is the r [单项选择]Addison病由于醛固酮缺乏可产生下述哪种情况()
A. 高钠低钾血症 B. 低钠低钾血症 C. 高钠高钾血症 D. 低钾低钙血症 E. 低钠高钾血症 [单项选择] Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school. And, by the time that the average child finishes high school, he or she will have spent 18,000 hours in front of a television set as opposed to 12,000 hours in a classroom.
Parents are concerned about these figures. They are also concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Even if it is unreal — a cartoon cat beating up a cartoon mouse with a baseball bat — this violence may have a negative effect on the young minds exposed to it. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they may become aggressive or insecure.
Parents are also concerned about the commercials that their children see on television. Many parents would
A. Children should never watch commercials on TV. B. Advertisers are not always telling truth in commercials. C. Children can benefit from some commercials. D. There shouldn’’t be too many commercials in children’’s programs. [单选题]基坑开挖中,各种机械、车辆严禁在开挖的基础边缘()m内行驶、停放。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 E.略 F.略 [单选题]按设计要求,长沙地铁车站区间管路上的消防电动蝶阀平时状态应为( )
A.开启50% B.全开 C.开启98% D.全关 [填空题]合蓄电池开关后,电压不得低于()V。
[单项选择]环境现状调查时,首先应( ),当这些资料不能满足要求时,需进行现场调查和测试。
A. 搜集现有的资料 B. 现场调查 C. 现状测试 D. 遥感调查 [简答题]《行规》规定,在到发线装卸货物(不含行包)时,接发列车、调车作业前,车站应指派人员检查线路,确认货物不侵限、堆放稳固。
A.最高人民法院 B.作出判决、裁定的人民法院的上级法院 C.最高人民检察院 D.其他选项都不对 [多选题]业务受理平台中“电子发票查询”能够查到最多( )内的数据,时间跨度不能超过( )个月。
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.3个月 E.6个月 F.12个月 [单项选择]在群落中调查了10个样方,油松出现于4个样方中,则油松的 ( )
A. 相对密度等于40% B. 频度等于40% C. 盖度等于40% D. 相对盖度等于40% [单项选择]关于糖尿病肾病说法不正确的是()
A. 多见于青少年 B. 常见于糖尿病病程10年以上者 C. 糖尿病病史 D. 早期可发现微量白蛋白排出增多,以后逐渐发展为大量蛋白尿 E. 可有特征性眼底改变 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》(铁运〔1997〕103号)规定,旅客因误售、误购、误乘或坐过了站需送回时,列车长应编制客运记录交前方停车站。车站指定()免费返回。
A.同等级列车 B.最方便列车 C.最近列车 D.最快列车 [多选题] 成年违法行为人王某系聋哑人,在公安机关对其询问时,以下人员中,不能作为王某手语翻译的是()
A. 通晓手语的同案人李某 B. 通晓手语的王父 C. 通晓手语的聋哑学校老师张某 D. 通晓手语的本案证人陈某 [单选题]适合于解释感觉记忆和短时记忆的遗忘理论是( )。
A.消退说 B.动机说 C.干扰说 D.同化说 [单选题]接地装置的接地体与建筑物之间的距离不应小于()m。
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1.5 [判断题]施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施安装光毕后,应向施工单位进行安全使用说明,并办理验收手续并签字,( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肝昏迷前后,机体各器官有出血倾向,主要是由于
A. 维生素C少 B. 维生素K少 C. 凝血酶原少 D. 纤维蛋白原多 E. 维生素A少 [单选题]分布式光伏单个并网点容量()推荐采用10kV接入;设备和线路等电网条件允许时,也可采用380V接入
A.300kW~6MW B.100kW~3MW C.600kW~6MW D.100kW~1MW [多选题]《国务院办公厅关于印发机关事业单位职业年金办法的通知》规定,职业年金基金由( )以及国家规定的其他收入组成。
A.单位缴费 B.职业年金基金投资运营收益 C.个人缴费 D.划转至职业年金基金的国有资本 [多项选择]所有制实现形式( )。
A. 是所有制关系得以实现的具体形式 B. 主要是指资产或资本的组织形式和经营方式 C. 直接影响到这种所有制所能容纳的生产力能在多大程度上发挥出来 D. 可以而且应该多样化 [单选题]基层党支部党员大会、党支部委员会会议由党支部书记召集并主持。书记不能参加会议的,可以委托副书记或者()召集并主持。
A.宣传委员 B.组织委员 C.委员 D.纪检委员 [判断题]可用直流电压表法核对电缆线路两端相位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,27岁。2天前因汗出受风诱发头身痛、恶寒、发热、咽痛,旋即出现颜面及双下肢浮肿,自服“解热镇痛药”热退肿不消。刻下症见:颜面及双下肢浮肿,尿少色黄赤,腰痛,周身不舒,咽喉红肿疼痛,舌暗红,苔薄黄,脉滑数而见浮象。应诊断为
A. 感冒 B. 水肿(阳水) C. 腰痛 D. 肺胀 E. 水肿(阴水) [多选题]130.310.00.:201.8.确定的风险管理框架,强调领导作用和承诺外,还包括( )。
A.整合 B.设计 C.实施 D.评价 [名词解释]胆石病
A.警告 B.严重警告 C.撤销党内职务 [单选题]造成( )可列为重大事故。
A.30人以上死亡 B.10人以上30人以下死亡 C.3人以上10人以下死亡 D.3人死亡 我来回答: 提交