Before the 20th century the horse
provided day to day transportaition in the United States. Trains were used only
for long distance transportation. Today the car is the most popular {{U}} (26) {{/U}} of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely {{U}} (27) {{/U}} the horse as a means f everyday transportation. Americans use their car for {{U}} (28) {{/U}} 90 percent of personal {{U}} (29) {{/U}} Most Americans are able to {{U}} (30) {{/U}} cars. The average price of a {{U}} (31) {{/U}} made car was 2, 050 in 1950, 2, 740 {{U}} (32) {{/U}} 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about {{U}} (33) {{/U}} their products and work efficiency. As a A. bringing B. obtain C. bought D. purchasing [单项选择]吞咽困难的症状中,"流体食物较易刺激咽部的感觉器官,引起吞咽反射,而水对咽部的刺激较轻,所以患者喝水后,特别容易呛咳"导致()
A. 流涎 B. 吸入性肺炎 C. 食物残留口腔 D. 进食或饮水后咳嗽 E. 进食时咽食管括约肌不能松弛,食物停留于食管 [多项选择]同类局麻药,哪些生物学特性相同()
A. 代谢途径 B. 代谢速率 C. 代谢方式 D. 麻醉方式 E. 麻醉效能 [单项选择]根据以下资料回答第35~36题:
张先生家庭2008年年收入15万元,生活支出4万元,年初购房向银行贷款80万元,年利率为5%,20年期,按年等额本息偿还。2008年张先生保障型保费支出1万元,子女教育年金保险支出2万元,定期定额基金支出1万元。 2008年张先生家庭自由储蓄为( )。 A. 0.58万元 B. 1.58万元 C. 2万元 D. 3万元 [单项选择]皮类药材通常是指来源于裸子植物或被子植物茎、枝和根部的哪个部位()
A. 木栓形成层以外的部分 B. 形成层以外的部分 C. 周皮部分 D. 皮层以外的部分 E. 落皮层部分 [不定项选择题]A.摩擦剂
A.洁净剂 B.润湿剂 C.胶黏剂 D.药物 E.牙膏中的丙烷二醇是 [多选题]在验收时应按下列要求进行检查(____)。
A.按设计图纸施工完毕 B.整个接地网外露部分连接可靠 C.避雷针的安装位置及高度符合设计要求 D.接地电阻值及设计要求的其测试参数符合设计规定 [单项选择] Generation X
Who are we Why are we called "Generation X" Where did we come from Where are we going What’’s going on here Where’’s the Beef This passage offers some (but only some) of the answers, and points you to other internet sources that can help you find the rest of the answers. Here’’s a brief "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions) on Generation X:
How did we get this name, "Generation X" anyway Blame Douglas Coupland of British Columbia, Canada, for one. It was also the name of a British Punk group in the 1970s featuring 1980s soloist Billy Idol.
In a 1995 interview, Coupland denied any connection, saying: "The book’’s title came not from Billy Idol’’s band, as many supposed, but from the final chapter of a funny sociological book on American class structure titled Class, by Paul Fussell. In his final chapter, Fussell named an "X" category of people who wanted to hop off the merry-go-round of status, money, and social climbin
A. Y B. N C. NG [单选题]长期停用或新领用的电动工具应用绝缘电阻表测量其绝缘电阻,若带电部件与外壳之间的绝缘电阻值达不到( )MΩ,应禁止使用。
A.A.1 B.B.2 C.C.3 D.D.4 [单项选择]Uncharted lights,fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.
A. encountered B. met C. contacted D. seen [多项选择]依据《水电站大坝运行安全管理规定》,水电站运行单位应当按照有关规定,编制水电站(),经大坝中心审核后,报省级以上防汛指挥机构批准,并报所在地省级人民政府、设区的市级人民政府备案。
A. 大坝险情预测 B. 调洪调度方案 C. 应急处理预案 D. 水情测报数据分析报告 [单选题]1.70 以下属于可以申请注销登记的情形的是_____。
A.机动车被监察机关、人民法院、人民检察院、行政执法部门依法查封、扣押的 B.未达到国家强制报废标准的机动车,机动车所有人自愿报废的 C.机动车与该车档案记载内容不一致的 D.机动车所有人提交的证明、凭证无效的 [判断题]CA001仪表的量程可以用来表示其测量范围的大小。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]易燃易爆场所不能穿( )。
A.纯棉工作服 B.化纤工作服 C.防静电工作服 [名词解释]崔公窑
[单选题]对于OptiX BWS 1600G下列单板MON口的说法,错误的是( )。
A.OAU/OBU/OPU的MON口是OUT口光功率的1%,相差20dB; B.HBA的MON口是OUT口光功率的0.1%,相差30dB; C.D40的MON口是IN口光功率的9%,相差大约10dB; D.FIU的MON口是OUT口光功率的10%,相差10dB;. [单选题]高层建筑施工期间的沉降观测周期,应每增加1~2层观测1次;建筑物封顶后,应每( )观测1次,观测1年。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.4个月 [单选题]曲线半径为650m的到发线,圆曲线正矢连续差经常保养容许偏差为()。
A.6mm B.8mm C.10mm D.12mm [单选题]头痛而晕,心悸失眠,面色少华,神疲乏力,遇劳加重,舌质淡苔薄白,脉细弱。治法宜首选( )
A.养阴平肝,潜阳熄风 B.养阴补肾,填精生髓 C.疏散风寒止痛 D.养血滋阴,和络止痛 E.健脾燥湿,化痰降逆 [单选题]隧道维修工作应按照“( ),预防与整治相结合”的原则进行。
A.安全第一 B.质量第一 C.预防为主 D.安全重于泰山 [单项选择]天牛、金龟甲的蛹为()。
A. 离蛹 B. 被蛹 C. 围蛹 D. 大蛹 [单选题]( )等新兴行业、领域的生产经营单位应当根据本行业、领域的特点,建立健全并落实全员安全生产责任制,加强从业人员安全生产教育和培训。
A.平台经济 B.个体经济 C.新型经济 [单项选择] A long time ago, both thunder and lightning lived on the earth, among all the people. Thunder was an old mother sheep and Lightning was her son, a handsome ram, but neither animal was very popular.
When anybody offended the ram, Lightning, he would fly into a furious rage and begin burning down huts and corn bins, and even knock down large trees. Sometimes he damaged crops on the farms with his fire and occasionally he killed people who got in his way.
As soon as his mother, Thunder, knew he was behaving in this evil way, she would raise her voice and shout as loudly as she could, and that was very loud indeed.
Naturally the neighbours were very upset, first at the damage caused by Lightning and then by the unbearable noise that always followed his outbursts. The villagers complained to the king on many occasions , until at last he sent the two of them to live at the very edge of the village, and said that they must not come and mix with people any more.
A. Scolding. B. Praising. C. Calling. D. Swearing. [单选题]对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案,属于( )专利。
A.A、实用新型 B.B、外观设计 C.C、发明 D.D、创造 [判断题]作业内容变更、作业范围扩大、作业地点转移、超过作业许可证有效期限的,或工艺条件、作业条件、作业方式、作业环境改变导致风险防控措施失效的,应重新办理作业许可证
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么说实现祖国完全统一是中国人民不可动摇的坚强意志?
[单选题]普通水罐消防车的扬程可达到( )左右。
A.100m~110m B.110m~130m C.130m~150m D.150m~170m [单选题]凡在坠落高度基准面()及以上的高处进行的作业,都应视作高处作业。
A.1m B.2m C.2.5m D.3m 我来回答: 提交