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发布时间:2023-12-09 18:10:15

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Culture Shock

Culture shock is the loss of emotional balance,disorientation(茫然失措),or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one.When it is a common experience,the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience,and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture.The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation.
When an individual enters a strange culture,all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be,a series of properties have been knocked from under him.This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort:"The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad."
Another aspect of culture shock is regression(倒退).The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance,and everything becomes irrationally glorified.All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.
Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes.These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations;fear of being cheated,robbed or injured; sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more;and a great longing to go home.Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging,of being an outsider. People with previous cross-culture experience will better adapt themselves in face of a new culture.
C.Not mentioned

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 Culture ShockCulture "的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Culture Shock

Culture shock is the loss of emotional balance,disorientation(茫然失措),or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one.When it is a common experience,the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience,and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture.The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation.
When an individual enters a strange culture,all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be,a series of properties have been knocked from under him.This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort:"The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad."
Another aspect of culture shock is regression(倒退).The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance,and everything becomes irrationally glorified.All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.
Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes.These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations;fear of being cheated,robbed or injured; sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more;and a great longing to go home.Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging,of being an outsider. A home-coming trip will help you solve the problems.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Earth's Inner Core

Scientists have long struggled to understand what lies at the planet's center.Direct
observation of its center is impossible,so researchers must_________(1)to other evidence.
In 1889,a German scientist detected a severe earthquake in Japan.Geophysicists
concluded that shock waves_________(2) jolts(晃动)from one side of Earth through
the center to the other side.Then in 1936,Danish geophysicist lnge Lehmann studied the
waves' __________ (3) to determine that within Earth's core of molten(熔化了的)iron
lies a solid inner core一but_________(4) that core was made of eluded(难倒)her.
Other geophysicists quickly determined that Lehmann's inner core was composed mostly
_________(5) iron.Since then,Lehmann's discovery has _________(6)
conventional Earth science.
But now scientists are challenging traditional theory with new and radical_________
(7).For example,Earth's center could actually contain an"inner core within the inner
core."claim lshii and colleague Adam Dziewonski.
Analyzing hundreds of thousands of earthquake wave _________(8),they
maintain that the inner core has at its heart a tiny, even more solid sphere(球体).This
sphere"may be the oldest fossil_________(9)from the formation of Earth,"says Dziewonski.
Dziewonski and Ishii speculate that shortly _________(10)Earth formed around
4.8 billion years ago,a giant asteroid(小行星)smashed into the young planet and nearly
melted it.But Earth's center didn't quite melt;it_________(11)mass as the planet
cooled. The core within a core may be the kernel(核心)that endured. " Its presence
could change our basic ideas about the_________(12)of the planet,"Dziewonski
Dziewonski's idea is tame(温和的)compared to the_________( 13 ) theories of
independent geophysicist J. Marvin Herndon.Earth's inner core is made not of iron,he
claims,but a_________(14)of nickel and silicon.Herndon has a truly revolutionary
notion : Within the nickel silicide(硅化物)inner core is also an "inner" inner core一an
8km-wide ball of the element uranium.Uranium is radioactive.Herndon thinks the uranium
releases heat energy as its atoms_________(15)fission-split and crash into one
another in a chain reaction.In other words,we may live on top of a gigantic, "natural"
nuclear power plant. _________(15)


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