One day a very wealthy American, Hiram
Boost, came to Macasso—you may have heard of Boost, he’s in films-and he said he
had bought, secretly, a valuable 16th century "old master". He said, "I know
that the English government won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a
plan to get round that. I want you to paint a picture—it doesn’t matter what it
is-on top of the ’old master’." Hiram then explained that he could quite easily
get Macasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without
damaging the painting underneath. Well, Macasso painted a picture of a London
gas-works on it, and old Boost got the canvas to New York all right and sent it
to the firm he knew to have Maeasso’s painting removed. About a week later he
got a telegram from the firm. It said: "We have removed the picture of London
gas-works, also ’old A. Two. B. Three. C. No more than two. D. More than three. [单项选择]肩前方疼痛,肩关节活动受限,X线片阴性。在下列治疗中极为重要的是
A. 肩关节主动功能锻炼 B. 局部注射醋酸氢化可的松 C. 理疗、热疗 D. 针灸按摩 E. 肩关节被动活动 [多选题]属于特种设备的有( )。
A.电梯 B.锅炉 C.压力容器 D.起重机械 [单选题]建立用水效率控制制度,严格限制水资源不足地区建设( )工业项目。
A.高耗能型 B.高耗水型 C.节水型 D.节能型 [单选题]高低压同杆(塔)架设,在( )低压带电导线未采取绝缘隔离措施或未停电接地时,作业人员不得穿越。
A. 上层 B.下层 C. 对侧 D.邻近 [判断题]开门器用于开启金属、非金属门窗等结构,从而解救被困于危险环境中的受害者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下面关于信用卡提现说法正确的是()。
A. 密码输错3次后,当天不能办理交易 B. 主卡和副卡均可以提现 C. 附属卡不能提现 D. 密码输错3次后,次日继续办理交易 [单项选择]在RSA算法中,取p=3,q=11,则欧拉函数(n)等于()
A. 33 B. 20 C. 32 D. 14 [单选题]在均匀磁场中,通过某一平面的磁通量为最大时,这个平面就和磁力线( ).
A.平行 B.垂直 C.斜交 [不定项选择题]男,31岁,一年来疑被人迫害、数次出走后被家人找回。近半年来常行为诡秘,将家中闹钟、收音机等在半夜深埋在公园树林地下,对亲友冷淡,生活懒散,房间内藏有刀棍等,体格检查无阳性发现。精神状况检查:接触被动,有自语自笑,衣着尚得体。其称"有人要谋害我","有人命令我要么自杀、要么逃出去。"否认有病,无知力。
A.属原发性妄想 B.属继发性妄想 C.属释疑性妄想 D.属特殊意义妄想 E.属虚无妄想 [单项选择]甲市公安局乙区分局一派出所受理一起其处罚权限范围内的治安案件,由于案情复杂,无法在30日内结案,派出所欲延长办案期限,应当经()批准。
A. 甲市公安局 B. 乙区公安分局 C. 甲市公安局法制科 D. 乙区人民检察院 [多选题]动火工作的运维许可人安全责任有( )。
A.工作票所列安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场条件 B.动火设备与运行设备是否确已隔绝 C.向工作负责人现场交待运维所做的安全措施是否完善 D.正确安全地组织动火工作 [判断题]A-E-A-001 5 1 4
线路检查前应对轨距尺进行检查、校准,确认检测工具状态良好。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,36岁,腹部刀刺伤1h。剖腹探查发现肝部分破裂,胃破裂、回肠破裂,横结肠破裂,膀胱破裂,首先应行()。
A. 回肠破裂修补 B. 胃破裂修补 C. 横结肠造瘘 D. 肝破裂修补 E. 膀胱破裂修补 [单选题]仪表管路拐弯处的弯曲半径的规定,从大到小排列正确的是( )。
A.有色金属管﹥高压钢管﹥塑料管 B.高压钢管﹥有色金属管﹥塑料管 C.高压钢管﹥塑料管﹥有色金属管 D.塑料管﹥有色金属管﹥高压钢管 [单项选择]对有明显黄疸及腹水的肝癌病人,不应选用的治疗是()
A. 全身化学治疗 B. 介入治疗 C. 肿瘤局部注射无水酒精 D. 肿瘤局部放射治疗 E. 免疫治疗+中医中药 [多项选择]煤电钻的维护和保养应注意:()
A. 放在干燥、安全、通风良好的地方 B. 轻拿轻放,不得任意摔扔 C. 壳体烫手时,停止使用 D. 减速器每周清洗一次 [多项选择]《温疫论》对下列哪些著作有影响()
A. 《广瘟疫论》 B. 《寒温条辨》 C. 《疫疹一得》 D. 《松峰说疫》 E. 《治疫全书》 [简答题]为什么要对停备用的锅炉做防腐工作?
A.上颌神经 B.面神经 C.眼神经 D.下颌神经 E.迷走神经 [单选题] 以下哪个关于开水机做法正确的
A.清洁开水机外表面 B.清洁开水机内表面 C.清洁开水机电力系统 D.清洁开水机内胆系统 E.以上均需 [单选题]双重称号即线路名称和位置称号。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [简答题]Andy and Beauty have been clerks of a company for one year. It is the rule of the company that the employees have to be punctual in reporting for their duties.
Yesterday, both Andy and Beauty were late for the offi ce by fi ve minutes. The reason for Andy’s lateness was that he had to take his mother to the hospital. It was the fi rst time that Andy was late for the office.
Beauty had given no explanation for her lateness. It was also the third time within the same month that Beauty was in breach of the rule. During the previous two occasions, the company had issued written warnings against Beauty.
The company is now considering dismissing both Andy and Beauty for being late for the office.
In relation to employment law, advise the company as to whether the company can dismiss both Andy and Beauty summarily by reason of being late. (10 marks)
[单选题]人民警察制止违法犯罪行为,根据需要,可以依照《中华人民共和国人民警察使用警械和武器条例》的规定使用( )。
A.警械或武器 B.警械和武器 C.武器 D.警械 [判断题] 对帝国主义抱有幻想,是维新派自身的局限性,也是导致戊戌变法失败的原因之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最容易引起骨折不连接的移位是()
A. 成角移位 B. 侧方移位 C. 分离移位 D. 旋转移位 E. 嵌插移位 我来回答: 提交