It has become a cliche among doctors
who deal with AIDS that the only way to stop the epidemic is to develop a
vaccine against HIV, the virus that causes it. Unfortunately, there is no sign
of such a thing becoming available soon. The best hope was withdrawn from trials
just over a year ago amid fears that it might actually be making things worse.
As a result, vaccine researchers have mostly gone back to the drawing board of
basic research. Meanwhile, the virus marches on. Last year, according to UNAIDS,
the international body charged with combating it, 2.7 million people were
infected, bringing the estimated total to 33 million. Reuben Granich and his colleagues at the World Health Organization (WHO), though, have been exploring an alternative approach. Instead of a vaccine, they wonder, as they write in The Lancet, A. They use data from some African countries and other poor countries. B. They want to find out whether the alternative approach can function. C. The first-line antiretroviral drugs are effective in curing patients. D. Their study is to let the patients have no symptoms of AIDs. [判断题](30802)( )连杆螺栓装配时应使用良好的扭力扳手按规定扭力拧紧。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )υmax≤80 km/h正线及到发线木枕地段,高低在作业验收时静态容许偏差管理值为4mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三柱式墩、台的立柱混凝土浇筑施工时,应保证出料口与浇筑面之间的距离小于( )。
A.1.5m B.2.0m C.2.5m D.3.0m [单项选择]枕先露时,通过产道最小径线是胎头的
A. 枕下前囟径 B. 双顶径 C. 枕额径 D. 枕颏径 [填空题]( )电能计量装置是把电能表和与其配合使用的互感器以及电能表到互感器的( )统称为电能计量装置。
[单选题]检修设备和可能来电侧的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)应断开控制电源和合闸能源,隔离开关(刀闸) 操作把手应锁住,确保不会误送电。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]自首必须具备的条件是( )。
A.犯罪分子所犯的是轻罪 B.如实供述自己的罪行 C.犯罪后自动投案 D.自愿接受国家的审查和裁判 [填空题](),不如退而结网。(淮南子·说林训)
All day long, you are affected by large forces. Genes influence your intelligence and willingness to take risks. Social dynamics unconsciously shape your choices. Instantaneous perceptions set off neutral reactions in your head without you even being aware of them.
Over the past few years, scientists have made a series of exciting discoveries about how these deep patterns influence daily life. Nobody has done more to bring these discoveries to public attention than Malcolm Gladwell.
Gladwell’s noncontroversial claim is that some people have more opportunities than others. Bill Gates was lucky to go to a great private school with its own computer at the dawn of the information revolution.
Gladwell’s book is being received by reviewers as a call to action for the Obama Age. It could lead policy makers to finally reject policies built on the assumption that people are coldly rational profitmaximizing individuals. It could cause them to focus more one policies that fos
A. genes B. social dynamics C. instantaneous perceptions D. neutral reactions [判断题]洪水后,地网不得露出地面、发生破坏,接地引下线应无变形、破损
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某女,月经周期为33~35天,经来淋漓至14日始净。诊断为
A. 漏下 B. 经漏 C. 经期延长 D. 月经后期 E. 月经过多 [单选题]《严禁柜台违规行为防范案件风险的工作意见》第一条第八点规定:授权方面,不得采取以下手段套取银行信用:1.利用职务之便为本人或( )获取银行信用。
A.亲戚 B.熟人 C.关系 D.领导 [单选题]2862AIS的工作频率是________(37350:第07章航海仪器:2862)
A.500千赫和2182千赫 B.161.975千赫和162.025千赫 C.1775.42兆赫和1227.60兆赫 D.3000兆赫和9375兆赫 [简答题]哪些条件均满足时 ,闭合短接接触器。
A. 高级审计师、高级会计师、高级经济师 B. 高级审计师、高级统计师、高级会计师、高级经济师 C. 高级审计师、高级统计师、高级会计师 D. 高级统计师、高级会计师、高级经济师 [单项选择]甲公司授权其采购员到乙公司购买一批电冰箱,并交给该采购员一份已盖公司公章的空白合同书,该采购员用此合同书与乙公司订立了购买洗衣机的合同。乙公司按时交货后未收到货款,双方发生纠纷后,乙公司应( )。
A. 要求该采购员支付洗衣机货款 B. 要求甲公司支付洗衣机货款 C. 换货后要求甲公司支付电冰箱货款 D. 中止合同并要求甲公司退货 [单项选择]天南星的药用部位和主成分是()
A. 根茎,树脂类 B. 根,甾醇类 C. 块茎,生物碱 D. 鳞茎,生物碱 E. 根,挥发油 [单项选择]We have to ______ our homework right now, or we won't finish it today.
A. go for B. go out C. go about D. go in [单选题]应停车的客运列车错办通过,定车站责任;在区间乘降所错误通过,定( )单位责任
A.车务 B.机务 C.车务、机务 我来回答: 提交