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发布时间:2023-12-23 02:26:46

[单选题]which Convention, at the earliest, imposed states an obligation to make the offense of hijacking punishable by severe penalties and have the offender extradited to other states for trial on certain occasions?
A. The Tokyo Convention on offenses Committed on Board Aircraft 1963.
B. The Hague Convention for the suppression of Unlawful seizure of Aircraft1970.
C. The Convention for the suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the safety of Civil Aviation1971.
D. The 1988 Protocol for the suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports serving 1nternational Civil Aviation.

更多"[单选题]which Convention, at the earli"的相关试题:

[单选题] In ______ convention,a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenger ship.
[单选题] Which international convention dealing with fire-fighting arrangements ect. ?
C. Load line convention
[单选题] An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n)______.
A.Articulated anchor
B.Flipper Delta anchor
C.Baldt anchor
D.Danforth anchor
[单选题]which statement about article 38(1) of the statute of the 1nternational Court of Justice is correct?
A. The sources of international law are limited to those which are formulated by the provision.
B. only some items formulated by the provision are the sources of international law
C. The provision formulates all the sources of international law.
D. The provision expresses the universal perception about the enumeration of sources of international law.
[多选题]以下关于IMS机框描述正确的是( )。 Which of the following statements are correct about shelves in the IMS system? ( )
A.E4140机框主要由机框管理模块、机框数据模块、电源模块、风扇模块、机框背板、机框走线槽、假面板组成 The E4140 shelf mainly consists of the shelf management module, shelf data module, power module, fan module, shelf backplane, shelf cabling slot, and blank planes.
B.从机框正面看,槽位从左到右依次编号为01~14。01~06和09~14槽位只能安装处理板,07~08槽位只能安装交换板 In the front view, slots are numbered 01-14 from left to right. Slot01-06 and slot09-14 can only be installed with processing boards, and slot07-08 can only be installed with switching boards.
C.从机框背面看,槽位从右到左依次编号为01~14。01~06和09~14槽位只能安装处理板的后插板,07~08槽位只能安装交换板的后插板 In the rear view, slots are numbered 01-14 from right to left. Slot01-06 and slot09-14 can only be installed with rear boards of processing boards, and slot07-08 can only be installed with rear boards of switching boards.
D.机框散热采用从下向上的吹风散热方式,风从机框进风面板的网孔进入,经过防尘网从机框背面的顶部吹出 The shelf adopts the heat-dissipation mode of blowing wind from top down. The wind comes from holes on the inlet panel on the shelf, comes through the dustproof net, and blows out from the top of the shelf backplane.
[判断题]The 1969 Vienna Convention only applies to write an agreement between states.
[多选题]The 1982 Convention provides for the following means of dispute settlement which states parties may choose:
A. the 1nternational Tribunal for the Law of the sea.
B. the 1nternational Court of Justice
C. an arbitral tribunal under Annex V11.
D. a special arbitral tribunal under Annex V111 for special disputes.
[多选题]The 1982 Convention recognize such a method of drawing a straight line, provided that:
A. the coastline is deeply intended and cut into.
B. there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its immediate vicinity.
C. the coastal state would like to.
D. no other state challenges.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, which statements are correct?
A. Diplomatic privileges and immunities are of functional necessity for conduction international relations.
B. Diplomatic mission should be treated as representing it state.
C. The premises of the diplomatic mission should be treated as territory of the sending state.
D. The embassy buildings should be treated as territory of the sending state.
[多选题]According to 1969 Vienna Convention, which statements about the treaty interpretation are correct?
A. Treaties shall be interpreted in good faith.
B. Treaties shall be interpreted in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context.
C. Treaties shall be interpreted in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in the light of its object and purpose.
D. Any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties shall be taken into account in interpreting a treaty.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention 1961, which statements about the diplomatic bag are correct?
A. The diplomatic bag must bear visible external marks of their character.
B. The diplomatic bag may contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
C. The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.
D. The diplomatic bag shall only be opened by the receiving state in the presence of an authorized representative from the sending state.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention on the succession of states in Respect of Treaties, which statement as following are correct?
A. A successor state will not be bound by those so.called political treaties such as treaties of alliance, friendship or neutrality.
B. A successor state which wishes to become a party to political treaties in force may give notice of succession.
C. Boundaries established by treaties remain untouched by the mere fact of a succession.
D. These problems may be deal with by either multilateral or bilateral agreements.
According to the Chicago Convention on 1nternational Civil Aviation, aircraft, not engaged in scheduled international air services, of the contracting states:
A. have the right to make flights into the contracting state)s territory.
B. have the right to make flights in transit non.stop across the contracting state)s territory.
C. have the right to make stops in the contracting state)s territory for non.traffic proposes.
D. are subject to the right of the contracting state flown over to require landing.
[单选题] The SOLAS Convention was developed by the_________.
A. IMDG conference
B. American Bureau of Shipping
C. International Maritime Organization
D. American Institute of Maritime Shipping
[单选题] By convention,the north seeking ends of a compass' magnets are colored ______.
[单选题]装有ST1-600型调整器的车辆,须进行ST1-600型调整器的( )试验。


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