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发布时间:2023-12-23 05:05:01

[单项选择]A life line must be conncted to the life raft().
A. at the bow
B. at the stern
C. in the middle
D. all around

更多"A life line must be conncted to the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A life line must be connected to the liferaft().
A. at the bow
B. at the stern
C. in the middle
D. all around
[单项选择]Each life preserver must be readily accessible to the person for whom it is intended while he or she is().
A. at work
B. in his or her berthing area
C. BOTH at work and in his or her berthing area
D. None of the above are correct
[单项选择]Life preservers must be marked with the().
A. stowage space assigned
B. vessel's name
C. vessel's home port
D. maximum weight allowed
[单项选择]If you have to abandon ship and enter a life-raft, your main course of action should be ().
A. remain in the vicinity of the vessel
B. head for the closest land
C. head for the closest sea-lanes
D. get a majority opinion
[单项选择]The () of the life-raft is sufficient for all of you.
A. capacity
B. visibility
C. reliability
D. ability
[单项选择]The light on a life jacket must be replaced().
A. when the power source is replaced
B. each year after installation
C. every six months
D. when it is no longer serviceable
[单项选择]Generally, when lifting an inflatable life raft back aboard ship you would use the().
A. towing bridle
B. main weather cover
C. external lifelines
D. righting strap
[单项选择]An inflation life raft should be lifed back aboard the ship by using().
A. the single hook at the top of the raft
B. two lines passed under the raft
C. the towing bridle
D. All of the above
[单项选择]An inflation life raft is thrown into the water from a sinking vessel, what occurs automatically after the painter trips the C02 bottles to inflate the raft?().
A. The sea anchor deploys
B. The floor inflates
C. If upside down, the craft rights itself
D. The painter detaches from the raft
[单项选择]If the life raft capsizes,all personnel should leave the raft and().
A. climb onto the bottom
B. swim away from the raft
C. right the raft using the righting strap
D. inflate the righting bag
[单项选择]In order to retrieve an inflatable life raft and place it on deck , you should heave on the().
A. lifelines
B. righting strap
C. sea anchor
D. towing bridle
[单项选择]The davit launched life raft can be boarded().
A. from the water only
B. at the deck
C. by jumping down onto it
D. through the escape tube
[单项选择]Prior to entering a davit-launched life raft, you should make sure that().
A. the life raft is well ventilated of excess carbon dioxide
B. all personnel have removed their life preservers to facilitate boarding
C. the door flap has been cut away and stowed inside the raft
D. All of the above
[单项选择]An inflatable life raft can be launched by().
A. the floating-free method only
B. breaking the weak link on the painter
C. throwing the entire container overboard and then pulling an the operating
D. removing the securing straps
[单项选择]If a davit-launched life raft aboard a vessel cannot be launched because of damage to the davit,you should().
A. inflate the life raft on deck
B. roll the life raft over the side
C. go to another life raft station
D. get a saw and cut the life raft free
[单项选择]A life raft which has inflated bottom-up on the water().
A. should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder, holding the righting straps, and leaning backwards
B. should be righted by standing on the life line, holding the righting straps, and leaning backwards
C. will right itself when the canopy tubes inflate
D. must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself


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