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发布时间:2024-01-11 04:33:45

[单项选择]A disk with a horizontal line through its center, equivalent to the summer load line, is called the().
A. deadrise mark
B. maximum alloable draft mark
C. pilmsoll mark
D. tonnage mark

更多"A disk with a horizontal line throu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A disk with a horizontal line through its center,equivalent to the summer load line,is called the().
A. deadrise mark
B. maximum allowable draft mark
C. plimsoll mark
D. tonnage mark
[单项选择]()The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.
A. Frame
B. Deckbeam
C. Stringer
D. Keel
[单项选择]()is the main center-line structural member,running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship,sometimes referred to as the backbone.
A. Frame
B. Deckbeam
C. Stringer
D. Keel
[单项选择]The center line condition of the transmission shaft can be checked by()
A. the border flange’s excursion and flection
B. the both end shafts line’s accordance
C. the border flange’s flection and the both end shafts line’s accordance
D. the border flange’s accordance and both end shafts flection degree
[单项选择]To center a compass bowl in its binnacle,you should have the ship on an even keel,heading north or south,and adjust the screws until().
A. the compass heading is in line with the lubber's line
B. there is no lost motion in the gimbal rings
C. no change of heading by compass is observed if you raise and lower the heeling magnet
D. the gimbal rings do not strike the compass frame when they are tilted
[单项选择]When a line is spirally coiled about its end and lying flat on deck,it is said to be().
A. coiled
B. faked
C. flemished
D. seized
[名词解释]Nieuwkoop center
[多项选择]处理“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的方法是()
A. 先用无毒系统盘启动
B. 用FORMATC:///S命令重新建立引导分区
C. 用FORMATD:///S命令重新建立引导分区
D. 再把C盘系统文件恢复即可
[判断题]电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,用FormatC://s命令重新建立引导分区,再把C盘系统文件恢复即可。如果感染病毒,则需要重新分区并恢复系统文件。
[多项选择]屏幕提示“Non-System disk or disk error”出错信息的原因是()
A. 引导扇区中隐含文件名信息被破坏
B. 引导程序读取的前两个文件名与DOS引导扇区中数据保存的文件名不符
C. 存放文件的硬盘扇区损坏
D. 在复制文件时将不同版本的文件替代了原来的文件
[单项选择]一台计算机从硬盘启动时,屏幕显示“Non system disk or disk error”,原因是()
A. 硬盘主引导程序损坏
B. 硬盘分区表损坏
C. 硬盘驱动器与主机连线插接不良
D. 硬盘分区格式化后未安装系统
[判断题]电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,只需用与硬盘上版本相同的DOS系统盘引导系统即可消除故障。
[单项选择]在组装好一台计算机后,开机若显示“No system disk or disk error”,说明()。
A. 硬盘没有初始化和分区
B. 硬盘没有连接好
C. 硬盘没有格式化
D. 没有安装操作系统
[单项选择]When air is at its dew point it is at its()
A. lowest absolute humidity
B. lowest relative humidity
C. highest absolute humidity
D. highest relative humidity
[单项选择]Compared to manila line,size for size,nylon line().
A. has less strength than manila line
B. has more strength than manila line
C. is equivalent to manila line
D. will rot quicker than manila line
[单项选择]If the bowl of a disk type centrifugal purifier when operated as a separator is not primed, the()
A. oil has a tendency to emulsify in the bowl
B. purifier will act as a clarifier at the discharge ring
C. oil will be lost through the water discharge ports
D. oil solids will be deposited only at the intermediate top disk
[单项选择]When reassembling the bowl of a disk-type centrifuge, the bowl or locking ring is rotated ().
A. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise
B. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise
C. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise
D. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise


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