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发布时间:2023-10-09 04:22:45

[单项选择]The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least().
A. one means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques
B. two means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques
C. two separate and independent means, each using different radio communication services
D. two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC

更多"The complying vessels can transmit "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least().
A. One means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques
B. Two means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques
C. Two separate and independent means, each using different radio communication services
D. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC
[单项选择]In stopping distances of vessels,head reach can best be described as the().
A. difference between the vessel's speed through the water at any instant and the new speed ordered on the telegraph
B. distance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was ordered
C. distance the vessel will run between taking action to stop her and being stationary in the water
D. speed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance,once her engines have been stopped
[单项选择]Vessels,()support vessels,should not enter the safety zone of a deepwater port unless clearance has been obtained from the Vessel Traffic Supervisor.
A. besides
B. excepted
C. otherwise
D. other than
[单项选择]The source of energy fitted in GMDSS complying vessels must be().
A. the main source of energy
B. emergency source of electrical power
C. the reserve source of energy
D. all of above
[单项选择]You are not complying()traffic regulations.
A. to
B. who
C. on
D. with
[单项选择]In complying with the Rules,of what must the mariner take due regard?().
A. Limited backing power of his vessel
B. Radar information about nearby vessels
C. The occupation of the other vessel,if known
D. All of the above
[单项选择]Two vessels meeting in a “head-on” situation are directed by the Rules to().
A. alter course to starboard and pass port to port
B. alter course to port and pass starboard to starboard
C. decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signals
D. slow to bare steerageway
[单项选择]The regulations require that inspected vessels on an international voyage,other than small passenger vessels,must carry which of the following distress signals on or near the navigating bridge?()
A. 12 hand red flares
B. 12 rocket parachute flares
C. 12 hand combination flares and orange smoke signals
D. 6 hand red flares,and 6 hand orange smoke signals
[单项选择]Fire extinguishers on inspected vessels are numbered by size I through V,with I being().
A. used for electrical fires only
B. the smallest
C. the most accessible
D. the most effective
[单项选择]All inspected vessels on unrestricted ocean routes must have equipment on board for testing an individual’s().
A. blood
B. breath
C. urine
D. All of the above
[单项选择]Most propellers on merchant vessels are constructed of().
A. managanese bronze
B. cast iron
C. mild steel
D. improved plow steel
[单项选择]Fire protection regulations for towing vessels require that all crew members participate in drills and receive instruction at least once a month. Who is responsible for ensuring that this takes place?()
A. The Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection
B. The Master,or person in charge of the vessel
C. The vessel's owner or manager
D. The company's port captain or port engineer
[单项选择]Regulations require that tank vessels handling grade B liquids shall have their cargo pumps separated from all sources of vapor ignition by().
A. cofferdams
B. empty cargo spaces
C. gas tight bulkheads
D. areas equipped with power ventilation
[单项选择]Aboard damage vessels, the most important consideration is preserving().
A. bilge pumping capacity
B. reserve buoyancy
C. level attitude
D. instability


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