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发布时间:2023-10-12 01:25:28

[单项选择]A buoy with a composite group-flashing light indicates a(n)().
A. bifurcation
B. fish net area
C. anchorage area
D. dredging area

更多"A buoy with a composite group-flash"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A buoy with a composite group-flashing light indicates a(n)().
A. anchorage area
B. fish net area
C. bifurcation
D. dredging area
[单项选择]A lateral system buoy displaying a quick light().
A. should be passed close aboard on either side
B. indicates that special caution is required
C. is used at a channel bifurcation or junction
D. is painted with red and white vertical stripes
[单项选择]A light characteristic of composite group flashing indicates that there is a(n)().
A. sharp turn in the channel
B. narrowing in the channel at that point
C. junction in the channel
D. obstruction that must be left to port
[单项选择]A mooring buoy,if lighted,shows which color light?()
A. Yellow
B. White
C. Blue
D. Any color except red or green
[单项选择]How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system“A” ().
A. keep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel's port side when leaving
B. keep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching a port and on the vessel's starboard side when leaving
C. keep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching and leaving
D. keep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching and leaving
[单项选择]At 1810,a red buoy bears 010° relative. This buoy marks().
A. the side of York Spit Channel
B. the visibility limit of the red sector of Cape Henry Light
C. a submerged obstruction in York Spit Channel
D. the York River Entrance Channel
[单项选择]Keep clear()the buoy.
A. to
B. on
C. of
D. for
[单项选择]A nun buoy will().
A. be green in color
B. have an even number
C. be left to port when entering from seaward
D. be cylindrical in shape
[单项选择]A notice of readiness is not valid unless it indicates that the vessel is ready to load or discharge as the case may be,at the time()it is given.
A. when
B. which
C. that
D. then
[单项选择]The flash point of a petroleum product is an indication of its()
A. viscosity
B. pour point
C. volatility
D. lower explosive limit
[单项选择]A vessel sounds one short blast. This signal indicates the vessel().
A. intends to alter course to starboard
B. intends to pass starboard to starboard
C. is altering course to starboard
D. intends to pass port to port
[单项选择]The ignition quality of a diesel fuel oil is indicated by the ()
A. specific gravity
B. cetane number
C. viscosity
D. calorific valve
[单项选择]Which buoy will NOT display white retro reflective material().
A. Safe water mark
B. Isolated danger mark
C. Preferred channel mark
D. Daymark of no lateral significance
[单项选择]A spherical buoy may be().
A. numbered
B. lettered
C. green
D. red
[单项选择]The Experimental Lighthouse-buoy has no navigational significance and may be removed at will.The above sentence means().
A. It's of no use for navigation and would be removed with notice
B. It's useful in navigation and may be removed without notice
C. It's helpless in navigation and may be removed without notice
D. It's helpful in navigation and may be removed without notice
[单项选择]As for a oil-fired boiler too much air would indicated by ().
A. yellowish flame
B. golden yellow flame
C. milky flame
D. brilliant white flame


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