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发布时间:2023-12-18 04:20:51

[单项选择]When in command of a lifeboat under oars,the command TOSS OARS means to().
A. lift oars to vertical position,trim blades fore and aft with handles resting on the thwarts
B. complete the stroke,come to Oars,raise the oars smartly to the vertical,rest handles on footings and trim blades fore and aft
C. place oars in row locks directly from the boated position or from Stand by oars position
D. complete the stroke (when rowing in ahead motion),raise the oars with crook of elbow to about 30 degrees,swing blades forward

更多"When in command of a lifeboat under"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When in command of a lifeboat under oars,the command TOSS OARS means to().
A. lift oars to vertical position,trim blades fore and aft with handles resting on the thwarts
B. complete the stroke,come to Oars,raise the oars smartly to the vertical,rest handles on footings and trim blades fore and aft
C. place oars in row locks directly from the boated position or from Stand by oars position
D. complete the stroke (when rowing in ahead motion),raise the oars with crook of elbow to about 30 degrees,swing blades forward
[单项选择]If the coxswain of your lifeboat gives the command HOLD WATER you should().
A. complete the stroke,raise your oar slightly,swinging the oar slightly forward,and place it in the boat
B. lift the oar in a vertical position
C. complete the stroke and hold the oar out of the water
D. dip the blade of your oar into the water vertically and hold it perpendicular to the keel line
[单项选择]The person assigned to command a lifeboat or inflatable liferaft on a ship shall have a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboat or liferaft. The list shall include each person’s().
A. home address
B. duties
C. home phone number
D. nearest relative's address
[单项选择]Which person may command a lifeboat in ocean service?()
A. Licensed deck officer
B. Able seaman
C. Certificated person
D. All of the above
[单项选择]A fire is considered "under control" when ().
A. all hands are at their fire stations
B. all fire-fighting equipment is at the scene
C. the fixed systems are activated
D. the fire is contained and no longer spreading
[单项选择]Under normal weather and sea conditions when securing a stack of containers with non-locking fittings,lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height?().
A. Lashings are always required
B. One container
C. Two containers
D. Three containers
[单项选择]Under the Pollution Regulations,when you dump garbage in to the sea you must().
A. notify Coast Guard or MSA
B. make an entry in the Official Logbook
C. keep a record for two years
D. No action is required if you are more than 25 miles fromland and no plastic materials are dumped
[判断题]Only when a maxim under Cooperative Principle is blatantly violated and the hearer knows that it is being violated, do conversational implicatures arise.
[单项选择]When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be ()
A. automatically controlled
B. continuously manned
C. off power
D. none of the above is true
[单项选择]When anchoring a vessel under normal conditions,which scope of chain is recommended? ()
A. Four times the depth of water
B. Two and one-half times the depth of water
C. Five to seven times the depth of water
D. Fifteen times the depth of water
[单项选择]When the ship is under attack by pirates,or terrorists,()needs to be activated.
[单项选择]Under identical load conditions,nylon,when compared with natural fiber line,will stretch().
A. less and have less strength
B. more and have less strength
C. more and have greater strength
D. less and have greater strength
[单项选择]The number of rowing oars that must be carried in a motor-propelled open lifeboat on a cargo vessel is().
A. determined by the Master
B. specified by the Coast Guard
C. specified by the manufacturer
D. None
[多项选择]A network administrator enters the following command on a router: logging trap 3. What are three message types that will be sent to the Syslog server? ()
A. informational
B. emergency
C. warning
D. critical 
E. debug
F. error
[单项选择]When can routine communications be resumed when radio silence has been imposed?()
A. After determining that the frequency or channel appears to be no longer in use
B. After determining that geographic distance from the distress situation will prohibit any other signal from interfering with emergency communications
C. Routine communications can resume after the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications stating that such traffic has concluded
D. If,in the Master's opinion,communications on that frequency will interfere with emergency communications
[填空题]It is when you nearly lose someone when you become fully conscious of how much you value them .

[单项选择]Under international rules().
A. all vessels must carry an after range light
B. vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light
C. vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lights
D. vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise
[单项选择]Under International Rules().
A. all vessels must carry an after range light
B. vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light
C. vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lights
D. vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise


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