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发布时间:2023-12-10 07:19:08

[单项选择]High-velocity fog().
A. is a finer,more diffuse water spray than low-velocity fog
B. requires that the water pressure be no greater than 60 psi
C. produces an effective fog pattern no more than 6 feet beyond the nozzle
D. extinguishes a fire by absorbing heat and reducing the supply of oxygen

更多"High-velocity fog()."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which kind of fog is also named as ground fog?()
A. Advection
B. Radiation fog
C. frontal fog
D. Steam fog
[单项选择]Radiation fog().
A. always forms over water
B. is formed by a temperature inversion
C. is thinnest at the surface
D. dissipates during the evening
[单项选择]Fog forms when the air().
A. Is 50% water saturated
B. Is 90% water saturated
C. Temperature is greater than the dew point temperature
D. Temperature is equal to,or below the dew point temperature
[单项选择]Which instrument is most useful in forecasting fog().
A. A barometer
B. An anemometer
C. A sling psychrometer
D. A pyrometer
[单项选择]Advection fog holds longest over which portions of the lakes?()
A. Northwest
B. Southeast
C. Northeast
D. Southwest
[单项选择]Uncharted lights, fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.
A. encountered
B. met
C. contacted
D. seen
[单项选择]All fog signals shall be sounded every two minutes with the exception of a vessel().
A. underway or making way
B. under sail or under tow
C. anchored or aground
D. not under command or restricted in her ability to maneuver
[单项选择]A fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate thepresence of a().
A. vessel being towed
B. fishing vessel engaged in trawling
C. vessel at anchor warning of her location
D. power-driven pilot vessel on station underway
[单项选择]The fog most commonly encountered at sea is called().
A. conduction fog
B. radiation fog
C. frontal fog
D. advection fog
[单项选择]In dense fog a vessel without operational radar may not be justified()at all but should anchor if it is safe and practicable for her to do so.
A. to be underway
B. on under way condition
C. to stop engine
D. in being under way
[单项选择]Uncharted lights,fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.
A. encountered
B. met
C. contacted
D. seen
[单项选择]You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam.Risk of collision may exist.You MUST().
A. Reduce speed to bare steerageway
B. Stop your engines
C. Begin a radar plot
D. All of the above
[单项选择]What is TRUE when operating in fog and other vessels are detected by radar?()
A. you should make an ample change to port for a vessel crossing on the starboard bow
B. You should maneuver in ample time if a close-quarters situation is developing
C. You should determine the course and speed of all radar contacts at six minutes intervals
D. Long-range scanning will provide early warning of all other vessels within the radar’s range
[单项选择]Continuous sounding of a fog whistle by a vessel is a signal().
A. that the vessel is anchored
B. to request the draw span of a bridge to be opened
C. of distress
D. that the vessel is broken down and drifting
[单项选择]Radiation fog is more commonly encountered in().
A. spring
B. later winter
C. autumn
D. end of summer
[单项选择]A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates().
A. the vessel is in distress
B. the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargo
C. it is safe to pass
D. the vessel is anchored


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