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发布时间:2023-10-22 18:59:24

[单项选择]How can rescue personnel detect that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity? ()
A. The SART's blips on the PPI will begin arcing and eventually become concentric circles
B. The DSC unit will react to the SART's signal and respond with the two-tone autoalarm
C. The SART can provide an approximate location to within a two nautical mile radius per IMO standards
D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on a SART

更多"How can rescue personnel detect tha"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How can rescue personnel detect that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity?()
A. The SART's blips on the PPI will begin arcing and eventually become concentric circles
B. The DSC unit will react to the SART's signal and respond with the two-tone alarm
C. The SART can provide an approximate location to within a two nautical mile radius,per IMO standards
D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on a SART
[单项选择]How can a SART’s effective range be maximized? ()
A. The SART should be placed in water immediately upon activation
B. The SART should be held as high as possible
C. Switch the SART into the "high" power position
D. If possible,the SART should be mounted horizontally so that its signal matches that of the searching radar signal
[单项选择]How can the SART’s audible tone monitor be used?()
A. It informs survivors that assistance may be nearby
B. It informs survivors when the battery's charge condition has weakened
C. It informs survivors when the SART switches to the standby mode
D. It informs survivors that a nearby vessel is signaling on DSC
[单项选择]How can vessel personnel detect the operation of a SART in its vicinity?()
A. A unique radar signal consisting of a blip code radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearing
B. A unique two tone "warbling" signal heard on VHF-FM ch-70
C. A unique two tone alarm signal heard upon the automatic unmuting of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic watch receiver
D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on the SART
[单项选择]A SART can be fixed on().
A. a mother ship
B. a lifeboat
C. a life craft
D. all of A,B,C
[单项选择]How can he be()stupid?
A. much
B. that 
C. such
D. enough
[单项选择]How can the chance of contaminating hydraulic fluid be decreased when working on hydraulic system?()
A. clean the fittings before they are disconnected
B. Place drip pans under leaky fittings
C. Seal any cracks in lines with Permatex
D. Coat all threads with graphite oil
[单项选择]Assuming default setting,how can you erase the VTP data base of VLANs on a CISCO IOS switch running in VTP server mode?()
A. Enable VTP pruning
B. From privileged mode,erase the startup configuration file,then reload.
C. From privileged mode,erase the vlandate file,then reload.
D. Cycle the switch power.
[单项选择]How can you estimate the position of a tropical storm’s center?()
A. With a radio weather bulletin or weather fax
B. using shipboard radar
C. observe the wind direction and apply Buys Ballot's law
D. All of the above
[单项选择]How can the Coast Guard determine that a crew member is “able to understand any order spoken by the officers”?()
A. Require a demonstration by the officer and the crew member
B. Require a written test
C. Require that an interpreter be provided
D. All of the above
[单项选择]Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? ()
A. It‘s not very far from here.
B. The supermarket is very large.
C. The goods there are very expensive
D. Sorry, sir. I‘m a stranger here myself
[单项选择]How can I get to the nearest post office?()
A. It is a long way from here.  
B. Sorry, I am new here.
C. Why don't you walk?
D. Here it is.
[单项选择]How can he()if he is not()?
A. listen; hearing  
B. hear; listening 
C. be listening; heard
D. be hearing; listened to
[单项选择]How can you best()in your students the speech habits of the English language?
A. civilize
B. cultivate
C. evolve
D. train
[单项选择]The () can tell us how much heat we can get from the burning of an oil.
A. viscosity
B. flash point
C. cetane number
D. calorific value
A. 待命状态工作96小时
B. 连续工作48小时
C. 只能在雷达脉冲触发时工作8小时
D. 还可在雷达脉冲触发时工作8小时
E. 应答状态工作96小时
F. 待命状态工作8小时


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