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发布时间:2023-09-28 21:55:36

[单项选择]()is your draft?
A. What
B. How
C. Which
D. When

更多"()is your draft?"的相关试题:

[单项选择]()is your draft?
A. What
B. How
C. Which
D. When
[单项选择]()is the draft of your ship at full load?
A. How many
B. How much
C. How high
D. What
[单项选择]The mean draft of a ship is the draft().
A. midway between the forward and aft draft marks
B. at the center of flotation
C. at the load line
D. at the center of buoyancy
[单项选择]Official draft measurements should be()by authorized persons,agreed by both parties involved.
A. executed
B. located
C. fixed
D. measured
[单项选择]What does salt water draft mean?().
A. It means summer draft
B. It means maximum draft
C. It means fresh water draft
D. It means seawater draft
[单项选择]For an upright vessel,draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the().
A. waterline
B. freeboard deck
C. plimsoll mark
D. amidships section
[单项选择]A vessel constrained by her draft shall, when she overtakes a sailing vessel in a fairway,the sailing vessel is().
A. priviledged vessel and keep her course and speed
B. burdened vessel and give way to others
C. burdened vessel and keep course nad speed
D. priviledged vessel and give way to others
[单项选择]For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ().
A. waterline
B. freeboard deck
C. Plimsoll mark
D. amidships section
[单项选择]What DOCS SALT WATER DRAFT means?().
A. It means summer draft
B. It means Maximum draft
C. It means Fresh Water draft
D. It means Seawater Draft
[单项选择]The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the ().
A. Loadline mark
B. Certificate of Inspection
C. Station Bill
D. Tonnage mark
[单项选择]When are fore and aft draft readings required to be entered in the unofficial logbook of a ship? ()
A. Once a day
B. Once a week
C. Prior to getting underway
D. Only when entering waters of different density
[单项选择]For a floating vessel,true mean draft is always the().
A. average of the observed drafts
B. draft at the center of flotation
C. draft corresponding to the calculated displacement
D. mean of the calculated drafts
[单项选择]The ship should have a slightly deeper draft().
A. on port side
B. on starboard side
C. at the port quarter
D. at the stern
[单项选择]Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vesselhas adequate().
A. ballast
B. reserve buoyancy
C. displacement
D. rolling periods
[单项选择]In ballast my vessel’s draft is().
A. 12 feet
B. 8 miles
C. 7 fathoms
D. 10 foot


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