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发布时间:2024-03-16 21:17:42

[单选题]But for your help, I ___________ the work ahead of time.
A.wouldn't have finished
B.didn't finish
C.hadn't finished
D.wouldn't finish

更多"[单选题]But for your help, I _________"的相关试题:

[单选题]I will help you when I( )my work.
B.will finish
C.will have finished
D.have finished
[单选题]I am heartily grateful to your help.
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Can Your Still Work Your Way through College?

[A]The American Dream refers to the idea that a person has the opportunity to succeed and prosper,despite their economic or social backgrounds,through hard work.But if the rising cost of tuition prohibits students from working through college,can the American Dream still be obtained?

[B]Thirty years ago,the cost of tuition was low enough at most public universities that students could pay their way through school by working throughout college.But since the average cost of attendance for all 4-year public universities within a given state rises each year,this is now an almost impossible feat(功绩).80 percent of students work at least part-time during college.Recently the question of whether or not working your way through school has become a "thing of the past" was raised by Randy Olson,a graduate student at Michigan State University,who decided to investigate the issue at his own university,

[C]His research found that in 1979 at MSU,a student could work one day for any minimum wage job(8.44 hours)at S2.90 per hour to pay for one credit hour of school.In 2013,the same student would have to work 60 hours to pay

for one credit hour based on the minimum rage of $7,25 per hour.

[D]The average price of tuition at 4-year public universities rose 2.9% in 2013.This was the smallest tuition increase in nearly 30 years.Since 2004,the average cost of attending a public university in a given state has continuously increased as well.Minimum wage only rose in ten states in 2013, while tuition went up in every state.

[E]With these numbers in mind,it's no surprise some students are working almost full time to pay for school.Ryan Rose,a sophomore at the University of Southern California,works about 30 hours a week to pay for his expenses. While the university covers his cost of attendance,he still feels the need to work to cover the high cost of living in Los Angeles."If I went to school at home,I would have expenses that are more fun based,rather than things like buying food and paying rent," he says."But I felt the educational appeal of USC was going to give me more money in the long run."

[F]As a production manager for USC's "Trojan Events and Services," Rose handles the logistics of booking and planning events on USC's campus.Since his job reflects highly on the university,he feels a need to prioritize his work over other aspects of college."It's changed my college experience because it creates stress that students who aren't working don't think about," Rose says."There are times where I have to decide if an event is more important than a homework assignment because I care about the university's image."

[G] CourtneyWilliams, a sophomore at Fullerton College,works three separate jobs to pay her way through community college."I work about 45 hours per week.I wouldn't have three jobs if it weren't for the high cost of school. I'm paying my own way through college...I keep up with my studies but I feel like I lose out on college experiences, " Williams says.

[H]Williams is transferring to Cal State Fullerton in the fall,using money she's saved up during her first two years at community college."I got into all the schools I wanted when I applied in high school,but I didn't have enough money at the time.If the cost of college wasn't so high,maybe I could only work one job like a normal student,” Williams says.

[I]Although Olson's data do not analyze the costs of private schools such as USC, he did broaden his research to include all public four-year universities in the U.S.Olson analyzed the rising cost of tuition from 1987 to 2010 at these schools and found very similar results.After adding a linear regression analysis to find tuition costs in 1979,he found that 182 hours a year could pay for a student's tuition in full.In 2013,it would take 991 hours to pay for the same year of school.But all of Olson's data only take into account the cost of tuition,meaning he does not include the cost of food,rent,books and general living expenses.

[J]Working 30 hours a week allows students like Rose to pay for expenses outside of tuition.Although Rose's financial aid package includes a work-study allotment(勤工俭学助学金),this isn't enough to cover his college costs outside of tuition."If my company limited my hours to my work-study allotment I wouldn't be able to attend school because I wouldn't have enough money. I get the same work-study allotment as some of my friends who live in much cheaper states where the cost of living is much less than it is in California," Rose says.

[K]Rose considered the high cost of living in Los Angeles while choosing colleges,but he ultimately decided the educational benefits of a private school in an expensive city would outweigh the costs."I was offered enough aid to be paid at state universities,but the educational appeal of USC will give me more money in the long run, " Rose says.

[L]So how does the number of hours students work to pay for school change their college experience? Mary Tomlinson graduated from the University of Florida's College of Journalism and Communications in 1984.With no funding from her family and just a small grant from the school,she had to work her way through college.But her experience was very different from Rose's."I went off to college with no money in the bank,but I was able to cover all my costs by working because the cost wasn't as high as it is today," Tomlinson says.

[M]Tomlinson worked in the mathematics department throughout college but she also picked up another job at the local television station during her junior year. She took unpaid jobs at the school radio station and television

station to gain experience in her field. "There wasn't as much pressure to be wel1-rounded...you didn't need community involvement and leadership and all those things,so that allowed me to solely focus on working," she says.

[N]As a current student,Rose agrees that work can detract from his ability to be involved in extracurricular activities."I can't be involved in other things because of how much I work.There are times when I see my friends who are involved in clubs and I think I wish I had time for that,but I'm happy that I have my job because I'm gaining things they could never gain," Rose says.

[O]As a marketing director who looks at several graduating students' resumes, Tomlinson believes current students need to make time for both work and school."Working a few hours is a good thing because it broadens your knowledge base.., the danger is when it becomes so many hours that it impacts your schoolwork," she says. "It's ideal to have a healthy balance in between." But with the rising cost of tuition,this healthy balance seems to present challenges for modern students.

36、Olson's study is limited since it only incorporates the data on the cost of tuition in public universities in the U.S.

37、To some students like Ryan Rose,working part-time cannot cover all the cost of school.

38、Mary Tomlinson suggests that current students should deal with the relationship between work and study in a better way.

39、Ryan Rose supposes that studying in some state universities will yield less rewards than in such private universities as USC.

40、Mary Tomlinson believes that there was less demand for developments in all aspects thirty years ago.

41、The rise of minimum wage is limited compared to the continuous and nation wide increase in the cost of tuition.

42、Ryan Rose holds the idea that his work can compensate for what he has lost in campus activities.

43、To Ryan Rose,study sometimes has to give way to work because his work can impact the USC's image.

44、Ryan Rose's work-study allotment is less helpful to him than his friends' due to regional differences in the cost of living.

45、Courtney Williams believes that the high cost of school makes her college life different from others.

[单选题]I am very_______to you for your help.
[单选题]__your help we were successful.
A.According to
B.But for
C.Owing to
D.As for
[单选题]Without your help, we would not __________ the work in time.
A.have completed
B.had completed
[单选题]My father asked?to help with his work.
A.I and Tom
B.Tom and me
C.me and Tom
D.Tom and I
[单选题]You may not go out_______your work is done.( )
[单选题]5 Ways to Focus Your Energy During a Work Crunch Work invariably ebbs and flows,cycling between steady states,where we feel more in control of the pace and workload,and peak periods,where the difficult work situation hits us hard.Unexpected setbacks or even vacations and holidays can create disorder and tension.Maintaining focus and managing energy levels become critical as tasks pile onto an already full load.When you're in your next work crunch,there are a few things you can do to focus and manage your energy more productively:41.When an acute period hits,it's easy to resist the fact that it's happening.We wish for things to be like they were last month,or we long for the pace we had during vacation.By not being present to the here and now,we drain our energy by pondering on the situation.In fact,physicists define resistance as"the degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electrical current,causing energy loss."In the case of a diffcult work situation,the more you oppose what's happening,the more energy you lose.Acceptance does not mean giving in.On the contrary,it means acknowledging the reality of the situation with awareness so that you can take clear action.42.Acceptance is particularly difficult given the underlying emotions that an acute work crunch can bring.Negative thoughts often predominate.David Rock,director of the NeuroLeadership Institute,suggests that,rather than suppressing or denying an emotion,an effective cognitive technique is labeling,whereby you take a situation and put a label on your emotions.By assigning a word to what's happening,such as"pressure","guilt",or"worry",Rock's research shows.you can reduce the arousal of the limbic brain's fight-or-flight system and instead activate the prefrontal cortex,which is responsible for our executive funcLioning sk川s.43.A research out of the Universiry of Pittsburgh shows that anxiety directly impacts our cognitive functioning,especially those areas responsible for making souncl decisions.Don't fall into a victim mentality.believing there are no choices or that you don't have control.Instead,bring greater vigilance to assessing your priorities,making tough trade-offs,and incorporating self-care where you can.44.Other people can be a real energy drain-or gain-during work crunches and set-backs.Pause and consider how you can renegotiate deadlines,set tighter bounciaries,or ask for more support during this time.Many of us pride ourselves on not bothering others and being self-reliant.The.se are great qualities,but there are times when we need to ask for help.Ask your loved ones for more help on the home front.Share the weight of the accountability for projects with your colleagues by delegating or teaming up,versus doing it all on your own.45.Probably the toughest thing of all during a work crunch or setback is how easy it is to beat yourself up,especially when you aren't hitting your high standards for work,Annie McKee,author of the forthcoming book Howio Be Happy at,Work,says this:"If you really want to deal with stress,you've got to stop trying to be a hero and start caring for and about yourself."45选?
A.Communicate with your colleagues and loved ones
B.Stop thinking any unrealistic things
C.Accept the situation
D.Preserve your sense of choice
E.Control your negative emotions
F.Observe and label your underlying emotions
G.Practice self-compassion
[单选题]I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ______ me. A.revive D. B.release D.
[单选题]_______ your valuable help, we couldn't have finished the experiment ahead of time.
A.If it were not for
B.Had it not been for
C.Were it not for
D.If it has not been for
[单选题]Not until I began to work__how much time I had wasted.
A.didn't I realize
B.did I realize
C.I didn't realize
D.I realized
[单选题]__________your valuable help, we couldn't have finished the experiment ahead of time.
A.If it were not for
B.Had it not been for
C.Were it not for
D.If it has not been for
[单选题]__________ your valuable help, we couhtn't have finished the experiment ahead of time.
A.If it were not for
B.Had it not been for
C.Were it not for
D.If it has not been for


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