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发布时间:2023-11-16 07:18:05

[单项选择]It may be found that,in certain circumstances,Radar Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly().
A. at close range
B. at end on situation
C. at head on situation
D. at crossing situation

更多"It may be found that,in certain cir"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It may be found that,in certain circumstances,radar beacon emissions can cause()with the normal radar display,particularly at close range.
A. unwanted interference
B. unexpected figures
C. abnormal data
D. unwanted information
[单项选择]Chronometer error may be found by().
A. radio time signal
B. comparison with a timepiece of known error
C. applying the prevailing chronometer rate to previous readings
D. All of the above
[单项选择]The change in trim of a vessel may be found by().
A. dividing the trim moments by MT1
B. subtracting the LCF from the LCB
C. looking at the Hydrostatic Properties Table for the draft of the vessel
D. dividing longitudinal moments by the displacement
[单项选择]My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance()?
A. used
B. available
C. in use
D. can be used
[单项选择]Which of the circumstances listed is an exception to the garbage discharge requirements in Annex V to MARPOL 73/78?()
A. The garbage to be discharged will sink
B. Garbage accumulation onboard has exceeded storage space
C. A person falls overboard, and a plastic ice chest is thrown for flotation
D. The destination port or terminal cannot receive garbage
[单项选择]Apart from special circumstances,the value of the goods for which compensation must be made,if they have been lost or damaged,()that which they would have had at the time and place at which they ought to have been delivered in proper condition.
A. contains
B. remains
C. has
D. is
[单项选择]()such circumstances I usually put the remarks IN DISPUTE.
A. At
B. On
C. Under
D. Below
[单项选择]Any vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,avoid()in a narrow channel.
A. anchor
B. to anchor
C. anchoring
D. to anchoring
[单项选择]If the circumstances admit,()of small alteration of course and speed shall not be taken to avoid collision.
A. depression
B. oppression
C. succession
D. possession
[单项选择]If the circumstances of the case admit,any vessel()in a narrow channel.
A. shall have the liberty to anchor
B. shall avoid anchoring
C. shall moor to a buoy when necessary
D. shall keep anchoring
[单项选择]Any action()collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.
A. taking to avoid
B. taking to avoiding
C. taken to avoid
D. taken to avoiding
[单项选择]Regulations require certain records to be retained on board for at least 3 months after a ship is involved in a casualty or until advised that they are no longer needed on board by the ().
A. owner
B. Master
C. person in charge
D. Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection
[单项选择]Keeping certain crgoes separated because of the their inherent characteristics is known a().
A. overstowage
B. segregation
C. spot loading
D. cargo typing
[单项选择]Before a magnetic compass is adjusted certain correctors must be checked to ensure that they are free of permanent magnetism. These correctors are the().
A. fore-and-aft and athwartships magnets
B. dip needle and heeling magnet
C. heeling magnet and Flinders bar
D. Flinders bar and quadrantal spheres
[单项选择]Certain cargoes must be segregated because of their().
A. inherent characteristics
B. weight
C. destination
D. danger to humans
[单项选择]However, reception of certain types of MSI messages, such as shore to ship distress alerts and navigational and meteorological warning are().
A. selective and can be suppressed by ships
B. mandatory and can not be suppressed by ships in the affected area
C. not very important so that ships don‟t require them
D. received by all ships wherever they are
[单项选择]Certain requirements must currently be met by a ship’s steering system.There must be ()independent means of steering, although where two identical power units are provided, an auxiliary unit is not required.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four


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