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发布时间:2023-09-30 02:52:08

[单项选择]In some parts of the world there is often a slight fall in tide during the middle of the high water period. The effect is to create a longer period of stand at higher water. This special feature is called a(n)().
A. apogean tide
B. double high water
C. perigean tide
D. bore

更多"In some parts of the world there is"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There are often three parts in a weather report, not including()
A. warning
B. general synopsis
C. forecast
D. traffic density
[单项选择]In motor ship, () is often used to recover some of the heat carried in the exhaust gases from the main engine.
A. an diesel oil heater
B. a waste heat boiler
C. a fresh water generator
D. all the above
[单项选择]In the afternoon he often removes rust or()some paint work.
A. do
B. did
C. does
D. to do
[单项选择]Humidity (湿度) is so intense in some parts of the tropics that Europeans find they are unable to()it.
A. maintain
B. persist
C. endure
D. sustain
[单项选择]()rain means it rains in some parts of the area.
A. Squally
B. Isolated
C. Scattered
D. Occasional
[单项选择]When the vessel shafting are installed, the slightly inclined of the shaft line should be rectified by()
A. adjusting the position of the intermediate bearing
B. changing the position of the main engine installation
C. adjusting the center line of the propeller
D. changing the position of the thrust block
[单项选择]She did not feel()going out, as she had a slight headache.
A. about
B. like
C. after
D. for
[单项选择]Some TV programs are interesting but some others are()and full of violence.
A. frightening 
B. frightened   
C. to be frightening
D. to be frightened
[单项选择]Diesel engine fuel oil contamination often results in ()
A. governor malfunctions
B. fuel injection system malfunctions
C. high cylinder lube oil temperatures
D. low intake temperatures
[单项选择]Refrigeration machinery is often surveyed before loading reefer cargo. This survey is usually performed by the().
D. local port authority
[单项选择]In some type of two-stroke engines, besides some small holes for(), starting valve, safety valve, indicator cock, and central opening in each cylinder cover for mounting the()
A. fuel valves;exhaust valve
B. exhaust valves;inlet valve
C. fuel valves;inlet valve
D. exhaust valves;fuel valve
[单项选择]For some years after his graduation, he()some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by one
A. caught up with
B. kept in touch with 
C. kept up
D. made up with
[单项选择]Damaged bulkheads often take a permanent set which is independent of the panting or bulge caused by water pressure. To control this,you should().
A. install shoring so the shoring supports the damaged bulkheads without pushing on them
B. install shoring so that it pushes on the damaged bulkhead while supporting it
C. use jacks or chain falls to remove the set before installing shores
D. place sandbags by the bulkhead without installing shores
[判断题]Social changes can often bring about language changes.
[单项选择]Friction developing between the moving parts of a governor, governor linkage and control valve will cause the governor to ().
A. react with insufficient speed droop
B. fail to react to small speed changes
C. have excessive sensitivity to small speed changes
D. remain in the neutral position
[单项选择]How often do you go dancing?()
A. I will go dancing tomorrow. 
B. Yesterday. 
C. Every other day. 
D. I've been dancing for a year.
[单项选择]How often do you()your brother?
A. hear about 
B. hear of
C. hear to 
D. hear from


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