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发布时间:2023-10-02 02:55:14

[单项选择]From viewpoint of practice, it is sometimes important to detect abnormal happenings in the running gear by()
A. a keen sense of hearing
B. rich theory
C. communicating ability with others
D. repetition work

更多"From viewpoint of practice, it is s"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Import java.applet.Applet; Import java.awt*;  Public class ImageDemo extends Applet{  Image img;  Public void init(){  Img=getImage(getCodeBase(),”11.gif”);//1 }  Public void paint(Graphics g){ Int w=img.getHeight(this);  Int h=img.getHeight(this);  g.drawImage(img,120,60,w/2,h/2,this);//2  g. drawImage(img,150,0,w*2,h*2,this);//3 }  }以上代码第()行将图像放大。 
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 代码并没有将图像放大
[多项选择] import java.awt.*;  import java.applet.*;  public class ButtonDemo extends Applet{ public void init()  {   Button pushBotton=new Button("ok");    Button downBotton=new Button("Yes");    add(pushBotton);    add(downBotton); } }  根据以上代码,下列解释正确的是()。 
A. 该代码画了一个按钮
B. Button("ok")创建一个有显示"ok"的按钮
C. Button()是构造函数
D. 按钮属于容器
[单项选择]Safe welding practice requires ()
A. checking the area for items that may catch fire
B. that a fire watch be posted
C. checking for the explosive gases
D. all of the above
[单项选择]Sometimes the contract expressly gives the carrier the right to carry the goods beyond their destination,provided that()transships them and sends them back.
A. he
B. she
C. it
D. the shipper
[单项选择]What is the recommended practice regarding UDLD when implementing it in all fiber-optic LAN ports?()
A. Adjust the default hello timers to three seconds for aggressive mode.
B. Enable it in global mode and on every interface you need to support.
C. Enable it in global mode to support every individual fiber-optic interface.
D. Enable it to create channels containing up to eight parallel links between switches.
E. Enable it in global mode to support every individual fiber optic and Ethernet interface.
[单项选择]Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ().
A. to the master
B. the charterer
C. the merchant
D. receiver
[单项选择]Survival practice in the mooring system is to slack off the tensions on the leeward side and().
A. deballast the unit to transit draft
B. adjust as evenly as practical the windward tensions
C. release the anchors on the windward side
D. tighten the anchor buoys on the leeward side anchors
[单项选择]It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates()weight or measurement,ship’s option.
A. on the basis of
B. as a result of
C. arise from
D. come into being
[单项选择]In practice, the refrigerant flow after the evaporator is designed to ensure that the vapor leaving the evaporator is slightly ().
A. saturated
B. super-cooled
C. wet
D. superheated
[单项选择]Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can()it.
A. cross
B. approach
C. proceed near
D. run into
[单项选择]Sometimes the charter-party states that the amount of cargo to be loaded is to be decided by the shipowners,e.g. 10000 tons of 2240 1b.,12% more or less at()option.
A. Charterer's
B. cargo owner'
C. owner's
D. shipper's
[单项选择]Sometimes it is desirable to connect a member both by riveting and welding. Which statement is TRUE concerning this procedure? ()
A. Tearing through the member is more likely in this type connection
B. The weld may be broken by the stresses caused by riveting
C. The weld increases the tensile stress on the rivet heads
D. The welding must be completed before the riveting commences
[单项选择]Sometimes the bill of lading refers to the loading marks inscribed on the goods,and sometimes there()a statement as to their quality.
A. has
B. provides
C. is
D. supplies
[简答题]It"s no good learning English without practice.

[单项选择]It is good practice to use long towlines for ocean tows because the().
A. wear on the towline is equalized
B. weight of the towline increases the towing force
C. dip in the towline absorbs shock loads
D. danger of overriding is reduced
[单项选择]It becomes a common practice to insert a clause in the bills of lading for vessels trading to and from the United States,expressly declaring()the Shipowner could recover in general average in the event of negligence,provided that due diligence has been exercised to make the ship in all respects seaworthy.
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. whether


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