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发布时间:2023-10-21 19:47:15

[单项选择]What is NOT a precaution to be taken when topping off? ()
A. Reduce the loading rate
B. Notify the engine room of the procedure
C. Maintain communications with the dock man
D. Give the operation your undivided attention

更多"What is NOT a precaution to"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which precaution should be taken when testing a line throwing gun?()
A. Never remove the line from the rocket
B. Fire it at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the horizon
C. Wear asbestos gloves
D. All of the above
[单项选择]What additional precautions should be taken when making temporary repairs to a ship that is operating when hydrogen sulfide is present?()
A. Seal off all tank and compartment ventilation
B. Remove all bulk materials from the P-tanks
C. Provide respiratory protection and monitoring
D. All of the above
[单项选择]What action must be taken when an individual cargo tank is closed off from the inert gas system by the tank isolation valve?()
A. The tank must be gas freed
B. The tank must be ballasted
C. The tank must be vented to the atmosphere
D. The bypass valve must also be closed
[单项选择]Which action must be taken when an individual cargo tank is closed off from the inert gas system by the tank isolation valve?()
A. The tank must be gas freed
B. The tank must be ballasted
C. The tank must be vented to the atmosphere
D. The bypass valve must also be closed
[单项选择]Which action should be taken when an auxiliary boiler in is operation?()
A. Clean all electrical connections
B. Lift the relief valves by hand
C. Inspect and clean all solenoid valves
D. Inspect for oil and water leaks
[单项选择]Which step is NOT generally taken when gas-freeing a tank?().
A. Washing the tank interior with sea water
B. Application of degreasing solvents
C. Removal of corrosion products and sludge
D. Fresh air ventilation
[单项选择]Every precaution must be taken to avoid ().
A. sparking being taking place
B. to spark taking place
C. sparking to be taken place
D. sparking taking place
[单项选择]Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation().
A. Alert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unit
B. Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situation
C. Place the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craft
D. No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly
[单项选择]When in sight of another vessel,any action taken to avoid collision must().
A. be accompanied by sound signals
B. not result in another close quarters situation
C. include a speed change
D. All of the above
[单项选择]When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results().
A. in the vessel's Official Logbook
B. on the compass deviation card
C. in the compass deviation log
D. on a Napier diagram
[单项选择]A precaution you should take before bunkering is to () .
A. plug the vents
B. plug the sounding pipes
C. plug the scuppers
D. close the lids on the vents
[单项选择]One precaution to take prior to working in a freshly painted compartment where there are an excessive amount of paint fumes, is to ().
A. take shallow breaths of air
B. ventilate the area
C. wear a breathing apparatus while working
D. keep a charged fire hose handy
[单项选择]Which is NOT a safety precaution to be observed during the loading of LFG?()
A. Report any leakage of cargo
B. Make sure the rake ends of the barge are completely dry and mopped
C. Ascertain that the hoses to be used are in good order
D. Be on the lookout for work being accomplished ashore in the vicinity of the barges
[单项选择]() is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.
A. Constant inspection
B. Keeping constant load
C. Remaining constant temperature
D. Varying speed
[单项选择]When can routine communications be resumed when radio silence has been imposed?()
A. After determining that the frequency or channel appears to be no longer in use
B. After determining that geographic distance from the distress situation will prohibit any other signal from interfering with emergency communications
C. Routine communications can resume after the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications stating that such traffic has concluded
D. If,in the Master's opinion,communications on that frequency will interfere with emergency communications
[填空题]It is when you nearly lose someone when you become fully conscious of how much you value them .

[单项选择]The girl is jealous of her hat.()
A. 这个女孩嫉妒她的帽子。
B. 那个姑娘很爱惜自己的帽子。
C. 该女子对其帽颇为珍爱。
D. 女孩小心翼翼的保护自己的帽子.


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