Are you aware that you actually possess
six senses The sixth is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles
intelligently- to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform. For
example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to
the brain stop your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in
action. Muscles are stringy bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique characteristics: they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch to their original position. Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood. More than half of a person’s body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which involuntary-in other words, work without consci A. the efficiency of our muscle B. the normal breathing function C. directing our muscles intelligently D. the work of only our involuntary muscles [单选题]变电站油浸变压器室的火灾危险性分类及耐火等级为:
A.A.丙类 一级 B.B.丙类 二级 C.C.丁类 一级 D.D.丁类 二级 [单选题](67567)对一个四线组来说,( )在红线的顺时针方向时,该端为A端。(1.0分)
A.绿线 B.兰线 C.绿组 D.兰组 [单项选择]以下不属于积极适应的机制是()
A. 保护原有文化 B. 抵制外来文化 C. 洋为中用 D. 发展新文化 E. 涵化 [单选题]光纤通信是以( )作为传输信息的载波、以光纤作为传输介质的一种通信。
A.光波 B.电波 C.微波 D.辐射 [单项选择]1859年以后,信仰再次产生严重的危机。宗教真理之金同那个盛装它的古老破旧的钱袋一起丢弃了,而且再也找不回来了。这主要是由于()
A. 马丁·路德提出信仰得救,与“上帝直接对话” B. 达尔文发表《物种起源》,否定生物“神创说” C. 牛顿创立经典力学理论,摆脱神学对科学的束缚 D. 赫胥黎创立人猿同祖论,否定“上帝造人说” [单选题]社会总产品的实现问题是( )
A. 社会资本运动的核心问题 B.单个资本运动的核心问题 C.产业资本运动的核心问题 D.商品资本的核心 [判断题]铜片腐蚀试验主要是定性地检查试油中是否含有腐蚀金属的活性硫化物或游离硫。
A. 胆道蛔虫病 B. 急性化脓性胆囊炎 C. 胆囊结石经常发作 D. 急性单纯性胆囊炎 E. 急性重症胆管炎 [多项选择]高等学校三项职能的关系表现为()。
A. 培养人才是高校的最基本的职能,是决定高等教育本质的因素 B. 发展科学直接关系到培养人才的质量和学术水平的提高 C. 直接服务社会是高校培养人才、发展学校职能的延伸和拓展 D. 培养人才的中心地位是不可动摇的 [多选题]客运人员任职资格要求,()从事客运服务工作满2年。
A.客运值班员 B.售票值班员 C.客运计划员 D.广播员 [单项选择]Passengers must exit airplanes swiftly after accidents, since gases released following accidents are toxic to humans and often explode soon after being released. In order to prevent passenger deaths from gas inhalation, safety officials recommend that passengers be provided with smoke hoods that prevent inhalation of the gases.
Which of the following, if true, constitutes the strongest reason not to require implementation of the safety officials’ recommendation A. Test evacuations showed that putting on the smoke hoods added considerably *o the overall time it took passengers to leave the cabin. B. Some airlines are unwilling to buy the smoke hoods because they consider them to be prohibitively expensive. C. Although the smoke hoods protect passengers from the toxic gases, they can do nothing to prevent the gases from igniting. D. Some experienced flyers fail to pay attention to the safety instructions given on every commercial flight before takeoff. E. (E) In many airplane accidents, passengers who were able to reach emergency exits were overcome by toxic gases before they could exit the airplane. [单选题]使用氧气、乙炔时,两瓶之间距离不得小于()m。
A.4 B.5 C.10 D.15 [单选题]某商场在“五ー”黄金周期间挂出一条“五一放期间在本商场购买商品达500元者,本商场送一特大礼物”的横幅,结果特大礼物是一只大气球。对此,另一商场向工商行政管理局提出控告。依照《反不正当竟争法》的规定,某商场的这一行为的性质( )
A.是引人误解的虚假宣传,构成不正当竞争 B.是违反商业道德的宣传,不违法 C.只是对消费者构成消费欺诈,不构成不正当竞争 D.只是一般的欺诈行为,不构成不正当竞争 [单项选择]天然气管道穿越道路和河流,焊接质量应进行()射线探伤。
A. 15% B. 50% C. 100% [单选题]钨极氩弧焊的代表符号为( )。
A. WIG B. TIG C. MIG [单项选择]高压与低压设备共用接地装置,接地电阻值不应大于()Ω。
A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10 [单选题]新安装的硬母线与带电母线邻近或平行时应( )。
A.隔离 B.防护 C.接零 D.接地 [填空题]A
Five months after my husband Steve died,I woke up one morning to the maddening sound of a leaking faucet (水龙头).I knew it needed repairs badly,but it 16 me so much just to think of it.
All our 17 life, I was the “artist,” bringing to our house much imagination. Steve was the “ 18 ” one. He had a real gift for handling chores (家务活),19 me from unpleasant repair jobs.
But how could such a good man have his life cut short so suddenly! I had been so sad and angry that I completely 20 the house. That leaky faucet somehow awakened me to the fact that I now had to 21 the challenge of getting things fixed.
I got a workman named Ahmed. Entering the house,he stopped before a picture of Steve and me. “Doesn’t your husband 22 this kind of work” he asked. “It’s not hard. ”
“He died months ago. When he was alive, he did all the repair jobs 23 I said quietly. Ahmed looked at me 24 , but didn’t reply. He fixed the faucet, adjusted the dishwasher door, and replaced a showerhead. Ap
A. A.friendship B.devotion C.kindness D.justice [多选题]CR400AF动车组一级检修头车底部检查时,检查____没有裂缝、损伤。
A.车端外露底架 B.支架梁 C.侧梁 D.横梁 [单选题]在夜间飞行,如果机场的跑道入口灯不工作,但其跑道边灯和跑道端灯工作都是正常。是
否可以起飞? A.不可以 B.可以 [单项选择]女孩,7个月。因逗笑少,对玩具不感兴趣,矮小,而去医院要求检查,医生疑为智能低下。对其病因如先天性甲状腺功能低下未能肯定,如需确诊,进一步应作的实验室检查是
A. 干血滴纸片检测TSH浓度 B. 测血清T4和TSH浓度 C. TRIt刺激试验 D. X线腕骨片判定骨龄 E. 核素检查(甲状腺SPEC [简答题]简述测回法和方向观测法的观测步骤。两种方法各有哪些限差?如何配置水平度盘的读数?
[单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. He didn’t go to work this morning. B. He was injured and had to go to the hospital. C. He talked with the professor in the morning. D. The traffic delayed him. [单选题]县级以上地方政府的派出机关,根据( )授权进行预算管理活动,但是不作为一级预算。
A.上级政府 B.市级政府 C.本级政府 D.省级政府 [单选题]光波分复用(WDM)系统的基本构成主要有单纤双向传输和()形式。
A.双纤单向传输 B.单纤单向传输 C.双纤双向传输 D.单纤单向传输 [单选题]各省可采取“一案一议”或集中处理的方式对假币犯罪举报线索进行认定和奖励。采取集中处理方式的频次不能低于每年( )次。特别重要的线索应及时予以认定和奖励。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]下列关于低泄高封阀的说法,不正确的是()。
A.可防止系统误操作 B.阀门安装在系统的启动管路上 C.可以排除由驱动器并泄漏到启动管路内的气体 D.阀门正常情况下处于关闭状态,当进口压力达到设定压力时开启 [简答题]为什么要清理与核对电费收入明细账?有哪些具体要求?
[单选题]离心泵Q-H曲线表明:在正常操作范围内,扬程H随流量Q变化错误的是( )。
A.流量越大,扬程越大 B.流量越大,扬程越小 C.流量不变,扬程不变 D.流量越小,扬程越大 [单项选择]出版物非人员促销有多种方式,除了广告宣传之外,()也是其中之一。
A. 公共关系促销 B. 利用对其他出版物的异议促销 C. 上门推销 D. 火车列车员销售 我来回答: 提交