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发布时间:2024-01-31 00:32:53

[单项选择]When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the().
A. direction the wind is blowing toward
B. direction the wind is blowing from
C. duration of the maximum gust of wind
D. wind chill factor

更多"When recording the wind direction i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the Northern Hemisphere,when the wind at your location is northerly,the low pressure center causing the wind is located to your().
[单项选择]As the weather was worsening and wind force rising to 8,my vessel()were yawing within forty degrees of the compass.
A. alongside the wharf
B. grounded in the channel
C. at buoys
D. at anchor
[单项选择]The apparent wind can be zero when the true wind is from().
A. ahead and equal to the ship's speed
B. astern and equal to the ship's speed
C. ahead and equal to twice the ship's speed
D. astern and equal to twice the ship's speed
[单项选择]When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, it is().
A. variable
B. changing
C. backing
D. veering
[单项选择]A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. In the Northern Hemisphere,this would indicate that it will().
A. shift in a clockwise manner
B. shift in a counterclockwise manner
C. continue blowing from the same direction
D. decrease in velocity
[单项选择]In rough weather,when a ship is able to maneuver,it is best to launch a lifeboat().
A. on the lee side
B. on the windward side
C. with the wind dead ahead
D. with the wind from astern
[单项选择]In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and().
A. the direction of the true wind
B. true north
C. the beam on the windward side
D. the beam on the lee side
[单项选择]When reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in().
A. true degrees
B. magnetic compass degree
C. relative degrees
D. isobaric degrees
[单项选择]Under normal weather and sea conditions when securing a stack of containers with non-locking fittings,lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height?().
A. Lashings are always required
B. One container
C. Two containers
D. Three containers
[单项选择]When a wind force causes a floating ship to heel to a static angle,the().
A. centers of buoyancy and gravity are in the same vertical line
B. righting moment equals the wind-heeling moment
C. downflooding point is below water
D. deck-edge immersion occurs
[单项选择]When a wind blows round clockwise,it is().
A. Variable
B. Changing
C. Backing
D. Veering
[单项选择]When preparing a ship for heavy weather,fuel oil day tanks should be().
A. pumped overboard to calm the seas
B. drained to the lower hull to reduce free surfaces
C. filled to ensure that sufficient fuel oil is available during a lengthy emergency
D. partially drained to increase free surfaces in order to reduce motions
[单项选择]When dropping anchor,you are stationed at the windlass brake.The most important piece(s)of gear is(are)().
A. A hard hat
B. A long sleeve shirt
C. Gloves
D. Goggles
[单项选择]A vessel is wind rode when it is().
A. at anchor and heading into the wind
B. backing into the wind
C. carrying lee rudder
D. necessary to apply a leeway correction to the course
[单项选择]The apparent wind’s speed can be zero only when two conditions are present. One condition is that the true wind().
A. must be from dead ahead
B. speed must be zero
C. must be from dead astern
D. must be on the beam
[单项选择]()that kind of weather persist, it would be very likely that the two vessels would touch each other.
A. If
B. Would
C. Shall
D. Should
[单项选择]Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except().
A. temperature
B. visibility
C. predicted weather for the next twelve hours
D. barometric pressure and change in the last three hours
[单项选择]When a router has to make a rate transition from LAN to WAN, what type of congestion needs should be considered in the network design?()
A. RX-queue deferred
B. TX-queue deferred
C. RX-queue saturation
D. TX-queue saturation
E. RX-queue starvation
F. TX-queue starvation


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