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发布时间:2023-10-19 00:29:26

[单项选择]How are the pressure and temperature affected in a diesel engine cylinder during compression?()
A. Pressure and temperature decrease
B. Pressure and temperature increase
C. Pressure decreases and temperature increases
D. Pressure increases and temperature decreases

更多"How are the pressure and temperatur"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Both the temperature and the pressure of the refrigerant are increased in the ().
A. compressor
B. condenser
C. evaporator
D. expansion valve
[单项选择]To determine the pressure and temperature limitations under which LFG is required to be transported on a barge,you should look at the().
A. Certificate of Inspection
B. loading order
C. rules and regulations for tank vessels
D. tankerman's document
[单项选择]In terms of pressure and temperature in the refrigerant in the compressor, what happens to the primary?()
A. its pressure and temperature are both lowered
B. its pressure and temperature are both raised
C. its pressure is lowered and its temperature is raised
D. its pressure is raised and its temperature is lowered
[单项选择]The fuel oil pressure and forced draught pressure should be matched to ensure good combustion with a full steady flameIn the sentence the word “match” means ()
A. join with
B. mix
C. be equal to
D. be constant
[单项选择]The (auto)ignition temperature is that temperature atwhich().
A. no spark or flame is required to ignite gas or vapor
B. a fuel begins to give off explosive vapors
C. a fuel if ignited will continue to burn
D. a 1% mixture of the fuel with air will explode
[单项选择]High pressure and low pressure alarms must be tested().
A. no earlier than 24 hours prior to loading
B. no later than 24 hours prior to loading
C. anytime prior to loading
D. weekly
[单项选择]The vapor pressure of a gas is the pressure necessary to keep it in a(n)().
A. soluble state
B. solid state
C. liquefied state
D. inert state
[单项选择]The lubrication to the cylinders affected by the fire must be ()to prevent seizure and all scavenge drains must be ()to prevent the discharge of sparks and burning oil from the drains into the engine room.
A. decreased;opened
B. decreased;shut
C. increased;opened
D. increased;shut
[单项选择]The pour point of lubricating oils is affected the most by which of the following?()
A. Extensive centrifuging
B. Wax content
C. Water content
D. Acid content
[单项选择]The temperature differential occurring between the inlet temperature of the fluid to be cooled and the outlet temperature of the cooling medium in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger is greatest in which of the flow designs listed?()
A. Cross
B. Parallel
C. Counter
D. Circular
[单项选择]Temperature and moisture characteristics are modified in a warm or cold air mass due to ().
A. pressure changes in the air mass
B. movement of the air mass
C. the heterogeneous nature of the air mass
D. upper level atmospheric changes
[单项选择]Air circulation is caused or affected by().
A. the rotation of the earth on its axis
B. convection currents caused by differences in radiant heating between equatorial and polar regions
C. mountain ranges
D. All of the above
[单项选择]The range of a SSB transmission is MOST affected by().
A. atmospheric noise and radiated power
B. the frequency band selected and time of day or night
C. interference and position of the moon
D. radiated power and nearness to shore
[单项选择]If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earth’s,which statement is TRUE?().
A. Compass error and variation are equal
B. Compass north will be true north
C. Variation will equal deviation
D. There will be no compass error
[单项选择]Rotating flyweights acting against spring pressure make a simple type of ().
A. governor
B. safety valve
C. reducing valve
D. feed water regulator
[单项选择]()is the temperature today?
A. What
B. How
C. How many
D. How much
[单项选择]Temperature control valves installed in the jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine modulates the rate of water flow through the ().
A. cooling water pump
B. nozzle cooling passages
C. cylinder jackets
D. heat exchanger


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