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发布时间:2024-01-07 04:52:59

[单项选择]You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must().
A. stop your engines
B. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle
C. sound the danger signal
D. slow to bare steerageway

更多"You are in restricted visibility an"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You are underway in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must().
A. stop your engines
B. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle
C. sound the danger signal
D. slow to bare steerageway
[单项选择]You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam.Risk of collision may exist.You MUST().
A. Reduce speed to bare steerageway
B. Stop your engines
C. Begin a radar plot
D. All of the above
[单项选择]In restricted visibility a towed vessel must sound a fog signal when it is().
A. the last vessel in the tow
B. the last vessel in the tow and it is carrying a crew
C. manned,regardless of its position in the tow
D. None of the above are correct
[单项选择]In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall().
A. sound the danger signal
B. when taking action, make only course changes
C. avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beam
D. All of the above
[单项选择]In restricted visibility the speed of a vessel without operational radar may be()enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.
A. too low to
B. too high to
C. too high for
D. too low for

When the ship is in restricted visibility, the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that ()
Ⅰ.Bridge order relating to changes in speed or direction of operation areimmediately implemented
Ⅱ.auxiliary machinery used for maneuvering is readily available
Ⅲ.permanent air or steam pressure is available for sound signals

A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
C. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ
[单项选择]The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().
A. situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visually
B. visibility of less than half a mile
C. any condition where visibility is restricted
D. visibility where you cannot see shore
[单项选择]You are underway in fog and you hear one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts.This is a vessel().
A. Towing
B. Engaged on pilotage duty
C. Aground in a fairway
D. Stopped and making no way through the water
[单项选择]Approaching an anchorage in fog,you hear one short,one prolonged,and one short blast in that sequence on a ship’s whistle. This indicates().
A. A vessel towed
B. A vessel not under command and unable to maneuver
C. A vessel anchored giving warning of her position
D. A vessel stopped dead in the water
[单项选择]If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts,this is a ().
A. vessel not under command
B. sailing vessel
C. vessel being towed (manned)
D. vessel being towed (unmanned)
[单项选择]While underway,in fog,you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel().
A. not under command
B. being towed
C. on pilotage duty
D. aground
[单项选择]I hear you got through your exam.Congratulations!()
A. No. I didn't do well enough.
B. Who told you that?
C. Thanks.
D. Yes, I got a good mark.
[单项选择]Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to()your voice.
A. improve
B. increase
C. raise
D. open
[单项选择]When visibility is restricted(),we can say it is restricted visibility.
A. by long distance
B. by the darkness at night
C. by a vessel in front
D. by fog or falling snow
[单项选择]You are underway in thick fog.You have not determined if risk of collision exists.Which statement is true?()
A. Your speed must be reduced to bare steerage ways
B. A look-out is not required if the radar is on
C. The radar should always be kept on a short-range scale
D. Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected by radar
[单项选择]You are underway in thick fog. You have not determined if risk of collision exists. Which statement is TRUE?().
A. Your speed must be reduced to bare steerageway
B. A look-out is not required if the radar is on
C. Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected by radar
D. The radar should always be kept on a short-range scale
[单项选择]You are running()danger.Fog bank ahead of you.
A. to
B. at
C. in
D. into


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