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发布时间:2024-01-07 01:53:50

[单项选择]Your 15-meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large container vessel is off your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is TRUE concerning this situation? ().
A. You should maintain course and speed
B. The container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vessel
C. You are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channel
D. None of the above

更多"Your 15-meter tug is underway and c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Your vessel is not underway when().
A. Her anchor is dragging
B. Her anchor is used in docking
C. She is dredging her anchor
D. Her anchor holds fast while she is swinging
[单项选择]If your radiotelephone fails while underway,().
A. you must visually signal oncoming vessels
B. you must immediately tie up in the nearest port until the radiotelephone is repaired
C. you must anchor until the radiotelephone is repaired
D. the loss of the radiotelephone must be considered in navigating the vessel
[单项选择]If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts,this is a ().
A. vessel not under command
B. sailing vessel
C. vessel being towed (manned)
D. vessel being towed (unmanned)
[单项选择]You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar a contact 10 miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later,the contact is 8 miles directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact? ()
A. Dead in the water
B. 1 knot
C. 10 knots
D. 15 knots
[单项选择]Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel.A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course.She is showing a black cylinder.What is your responsibility?()
A. hold your course and speed
B. sound the danger signal
C. begin an exchange of passing signals
D. do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel
[单项选择]A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel().
A. by a tow line ahead of the vessel
B. forward on either bow of the vessel
C. approximately amidships of the vessel
D. on the vessel's quarter
[单项选择]Took tug Satex on St’d bow,using eng.and tug var’ly at Capt.and Plt orders.This wording is likely to appear in().
A. Deck logs
B. Night Orders
C. Captain's Standing Orders
D. B/L
A. 9行83列
B. 9行84列
C. 9行85列
D. 9行86列
[单项选择]A tug in irons is().
A. rudder bound
B. being tripped by the towline
C. unable to maneuver
D. broached
[单项选择]A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by the Rules as a vessel().
A. restricted in her ability to maneuver
B. in special circumstances
C. not under command
D. constrained by her draft
[单项选择]You are underway in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must().
A. stop your engines
B. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle
C. sound the danger signal
D. slow to bare steerageway
[单项选择]A tug is best positioned for towing and maneuvering on rivers and other restricted waters where wave action is limited when().
A. directly astern and pushing the tow
B. towing on a hawser
C. towing alongside and parallel to the vessel it is towing
D. towing on the hip
[单项选择]Prior to getting underway in fresh or brackish water,the Master must().
A. log the density of the water
B. secure all overboard discharges
C. take on fresh water ballast
D. clean the sides with fresh water
[单项选择]A vessel engaged in fishing underway sounds the same fog signal as a().
A. power-driven vessel stopped and making no way through the water
B. vessel being towed
C. vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver at anchor
D. sailing vessel at anchor
[单项选择]While underway and towing an unmanned tank barge you are required to().
A. maintain a strict watch on the barge from the towing vessel
B. fly a red flag from the towing vessel
C. open the tops of all empty tanks on the barge
D. take hourly soundings of any loaded tanks on the barge
[单项选择]A passenger vessel is underway. When may passengers visit the pilothouse? ()
A. Passengers are excluded from the pilothouse while underway
B. Passengers are permitted in the pilothouse during daylight hours only
C. Passengers are permitted to visit the pilothouse when authorized by the Master and officer of the watch
D. Passengers are permitted in the pilothouse when they are escorted by a ship's officer
[单项选择]Underway vessels shall at all time maintain a proper look-out().
A. by sight and hearing only
B. by all available means besides sight and hearing
C. by all available means except sight and hearing
D. by none of above means


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