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发布时间:2023-10-17 05:52:49

[单项选择]At the earliest indication of fire aboard your vessel, you must FIRST().
A. locate the fire
B. determine which type of fire is burning
C. sound the alarm
D. fight the fire

更多"At the earliest indication of fire "的相关试题:

[单项选择]If an alien stowaway is discovered aboard your vessel,his name must be placed on the ().
A. Alien Crew List
B. Crew List
C. Passenger List
D. separate Passenger List marked stowaways
[单项选择]There is a fire in the crew’s quarters of your vessel. You should().
A. ventilate the quarters as much as possible
B. prepare to abandon ship
C. close all ventilation to the quarters if possible
D. attempt to put the fire out yourself before sounding the alarm
[单项选择]If there’s a fire aboard your vessel, you should first().
A. notify the competent authorities
B. sound the alarm
C. have passengers put on life preservers
D. cut off air supply to the fire
[单项选择]There is a fire aft aboard your vessel. To help fight the fire,you should().
A. put the wind off either beam
B. head the bow into the wind and decrease speed
C. put the stern into the wind and increase speed
D. put the stern into the wind and decrease speed
[单项选择]Your assigned emergency stations aboard your vessel can be found on the ships ().
A. muster list
B. certificate of inspection
C. clearance papers
D. permit to proceed
[单项选择]A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo. This is done in order to obtain a(n)().
A. Clean Bill of Lading
B. Order Bill of Lading
C. Straight Bill of Lading
D. Through Bill of Lading
[单项选择]Fire prevention during welding or burning aboard any vessel should include ().
A. posting a fire watch in the immediate area
B. providing an extinguisher which is ready for immediate use
C. requiring the fire watch to remain on post for 30 minutes after the completion of welding or burning
D. All of the above
[单项选择]At the required fire drill conducted aboard a ship,all persons must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them().
A. by the toolpusher
B. in the station bill
C. by the person conducting the drill
D. at the previous safety meeting
[单项选择]At the required fire drill conducted aboard a vessel, all person must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them().
A. by the toolpusher
B. in the station bill
C. by the person conduction the drill
D. at the previous safety meeting
[单项选择]Traditionally,the signal for fire aboard ship is().
A. more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blast on the whistle,and the same signal on the general alarm
B. continuous sounding of the ship's whistle and the general alarm for at least 10 seconds
C. 1 short blast on the whistle
D. alternating short and long blasts on the ship's whistle
[单项选择]Overhauling a fire in the living quarters on a vessel must include().
A. opening dead spaces to check for heat or fire
B. evacuation of the vessel
C. sounding the "all clear" signal
D. operation of the emergency generator
[单项选择]Your assigned emergency station aboard ship can be found on the ship’s ()
A. station bill
B. clearance papers
C. certificate of inspection
D. permit to proceed
[单项选择]A fire starts on your vessel while refueling. You should FIRST().
A. stop the ventilation
B. sound the general alarm
C. determine the source of the fire
D. attempt to extinguish the fire
[单项选择]The ventilation system of your ship has fire dampers restrained by fusible links. Which statement is TRUE? ()
A. Fusible links must be replaced if a damper is activated
B. Fusible links are tested by applying a source of heat to them
C. Fusible links must be replaced at every inspection for certification
D. A fusible link will automatically open after a fire is extinguished and reset the damper
[单项选择]A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().
A. remain on course and hold speed
B. remain on course but slack the speed
C. change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speed
D. change course and put the stern to the wind
A. 整备完成未经检验前阶段
B. 车辆下线整备前阶段
C. 车辆最终检验合格后阶段
D. 车辆入库销售前阶段


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