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发布时间:2023-10-21 21:56:27

[单项选择]If the insufficiency of the packing was apparent on reasonable inspection,the Shipowner cannot()the exception of insufficiency of packing.
A. rely in
B. rely upon
C. rely with
D. rely to

更多"If the insufficiency of the packing"的相关试题:

[单项选择]“Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers ” is an identification of a ()
A. substandard ship
B. standard ship
C. over-standard ship
D. reference ship
[单项选择]All fines and expenses from insufficiency and inadequacy of packing or marks shall be borne by ().
A. the carrier
B. the consignee
C. the merchant
D. the owner
[单项选择]Upon underwater detection, there were no apparent defects on the bottom plates, bilge keels,rudder and propeller of the said vessel. This kind of wording usually appeared on().
A. ship surveyor's report
B. a ship's certificate
C. a cargo inspection report
D. a dive survey report
[单项选择]Apparent time is based on().
A. a fictitious sun moving along the celestial equator
B. the visible sun moving along the ecliptic
C. the Moon's motion in relation to the Sun
D. the movement of the first point of Aries
[单项选择]Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)().
A. barometer
B. wind vane
C. anemometer
D. thermometer
[单项选择]It is apparent that there was not sufficient depth of water()and I claim that the estimated arrival draft as radioed to the agent to report to you was a close one.
A. for my vessel crossing safely
B. my vessel is to cross safely
C. for my vessel to cross safely
D. for my vessel's crossing safely
[单项选择]Apparent wind speed blowing across a ship under tow can be measured by a(n)().
A. barometer
B. wind vane
C. anemometer
D. thermometer
[单项选择]In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and().
A. the direction of the true wind
B. true north
C. the beam on the windward side
D. the beam on the lee side
[单项选择]Upon underwater()by divers,there are no apparent()on the bottom plates of the said vessel.
A. detection,defects
B. defection,defects
C. defects,defection
D. defects,detection
[单项选择]Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for().
A. parallax and personal error
B. inaccuracies in the reading and reference level
C. visibility and magnitude
D. All of the above are correct
[单项选择]The packing installed in the pump stuffing box is lubricated by ().
A. gravity and feed oil cups
B. grease cups
C. hand during installation
D. leakage through the stuffing box
[单项选择]Some pumps use packing as sealing glandThe gland should be ().
A. slack enough to allow slight leakage of fluid
B. slightly clocked
C. brought up tight so as not to allow any leakage
D. fitted with a relief valve
[单项选择]When the wave period and the apparent rolling period are the same().
A. synchronous rolling occurs
B. roll period decreases
C. roll period increases
D. roll amplitude is dampened
[单项选择]Upon underwater detection,there were no apparent defects on the bottom plates,bilge keels,rudder and propeller of the said vessel.This kind of wording usually appeared on().
A. ship surveyor's report
B. a ship's certificate
C. a cargo inspection report
D. a diver survey report
[单项选择]In working out a local apparent noon sight for your latitude,you subtract the Ho from 90°. The 90°represents the angular distance from().
A. the equator to the elevated pole
B. your horizon to your zenith
C. your zenith to the elevated pole
D. the geographical position of the Sun to the elevated pole
[单项选择]It should be apparent that little or nothing is gained by opening a drain at the same time as or after admitting steamThe above sentence probably means ().
A. There is apparent condensate in piping
B. The steam is not discovered after admitting steam
C. The condensate should be fully loaded in the piping as admitting steam
D. The condensate should be fully drained from the piping while admitting steam
[单项选择]The apparent wind can be zero when the true wind is from().
A. ahead and equal to the ship's speed
B. astern and equal to the ship's speed
C. ahead and equal to twice the ship's speed
D. astern and equal to twice the ship's speed
[单项选择]()the packing is the same, the lots are different inmarks.
A. For
B. Since
C. Because
D. Although


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