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发布时间:2023-10-21 22:26:24

[单项选择]All masters,owners and agents()that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.
A. remind
B. is reminded
C. are reminded
D. to remind

更多"All masters,owners and agents()that"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The Owners to take over and pay all fuel remaining in the Vessel’s bunkers on re-delivery at current price at the port of redelivery,or at the nearest main bunkering port,if the bunker price at the port of redelivery is not available. This indicates that the Owners are to take over and pay the remaining bunkers().
A. at current price at the nearest main bunkering port
B. at current price at the port of redelivery if it is not available to obtain the current price at the nearest main bunkering port
C. at current price at the nearest main bunkering port if it is cheaper than that at the port of redelivery
D. at current price at the port of redelivery if it is obtainable,even the price is higher at the nearest main bunkering port
[单项选择]0f all the extinguishing agents listed below, which one has the greatest capacity for heat adsorption?().
A. Water fog
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Dry chemical
D. Solid stream of water
[单项选择]When using slings,cargo handlers should take all the following precautions except().
A. Ensure that slings are securely fastened around the load
B. Avoid careless winch operations,especially when handling fragile cargo
C. Exercise care when using hooks,crowbars,and similar tools
D. Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possible
[单项选择]We were all surprised when he made it clear that he()office soon.
A. leaves
B. would leave
C. left
D. had left
[单项选择]When does a pilot say make all lines fast ? He says it when().
A. the ship is very close to the pier
B. the ship is about to be in position
C. the ship is in position
D. the ship is getting alongside the pier
[单项选择]When making entries in the Oil Record Book, all quantifies should be().
A. recorded as cubic meters with a conversion to barrels
B. verified by the Chief Engineer
C. recorded directly from the oil discharge monitor
D. consistently recorded through the Oil Record Book in one specified unit (gallons, barrels, cubic meters)
[单项选择]When will an "all configuration" backup be imported into the Cisco UCS Manager?()
A.  During the initial configuration from the console
B.  Once the basic configuration has been applied
C.  To restore the configuration on a secondary fabric interconnect
D.  To upgrade the firmware on a replacement fabric interconnect
[单项选择]The use of sinking and dispersing chemical agents for removal of surface oil is().
A. the most common method used in the United States
B. too expensive for common use
C. generally safe to sea life
D. authorized only with prior approval of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator
[多项选择]What is the alert message generated by SNMP agents called ? ()
A. trap
B. inform
C. get
D. set
[单项选择]Fire extinguishing agents used on Class C fires must be().
A. able to absorb heat
B. water based
C. nonconducting
D. nontoxic
[单项选择]Which of the listed extinguishing agents is NOT suitable for fighting a liquid paint fire?()
A. Dry chemical
B. Foam
C. Water
D. Carbon dioxide
[单项选择]Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed is the safest to use when combating a class C fire?()
A. CO2
B. Foam
C. Water fog
D. Soda acid
[单项选择]The use of sinking and dispersing agents for the removal of surface oil is ().
A. the most common method used in the United States
B. too expensive for common use
C. generally safe to sea life
D. generally harmful to sea life
[单项选择]When can routine communications be resumed when radio silence has been imposed?()
A. After determining that the frequency or channel appears to be no longer in use
B. After determining that geographic distance from the distress situation will prohibit any other signal from interfering with emergency communications
C. Routine communications can resume after the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications stating that such traffic has concluded
D. If,in the Master's opinion,communications on that frequency will interfere with emergency communications
[单项选择]According()travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.
A. at
B. on
C. to
D. in
[单项选择]Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
A. Owners are to be responsible for loss or damage even such loss or damage is not caused by the improper stowage
B. Owners are only responsible for the loss or damage or delay caused by improper or negligent stowage
C. Both A and B are right
D. Both A and B are wrong
[单项选择]The Charterers to have option of using Owners’ bunker contracts. This sentence indicates that().
A. The Charterers should sing new bunker contract with oil chandlers
B. The Charterers can use the bunker contracts signed by the Owners with oil chandlers
C. The Charterers shall not sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers
D. The Charterers shall sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers


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