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发布时间:2023-12-13 07:35:00

[单项选择]Shipping articles are contracts of agreement between the members of the crew and the ().
A. Charterers
B. Coast Guard
C. Master
D. vessel's owner

更多"Shipping articles are contracts of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Shipping articles are a contract of agreement between the members of the crew and the().
A. charterers
B. Coast Guard
C. Master
D. vessel's owner
[单项选择]The Shipping Articles shall be signed by each seaman and the ().
A. Master of the vessel
B. Shipping Commissioner
C. Coast Guard
D. Customs Service
[单项选择]The basic shipping paper that forms an agreement between a shipowner and a charterer is a ().
A. Cargo Declaration
B. Charter Commission
C. Charter Party
D. Letter of Intent
[单项选择]A copy of the Articles of Agreement,less the signatures,is required to be posted. This document is called the().
A. fo'c'sle Card
B. Articles Copy
C. Voyage Agreement
D. Shipping Articles
[单项选择]A copy of the Articles of Agreement,less the names,is required to be posted. This document is called the().
A. Shipping Articles
B. Fo'c'sle Card
C. Voyage Agreement
D. Articles Copy
[单项选择]The primary duty of lube oil is to reduce () between the working parts of an engine.
A. power output
B. friction and wear
C. indicated pressure
D. rated horsepower
[单项选择]In a charter-party,where there is a conflict between the printed and written parts of the contract owing to an error or to inadvertence,the intention expressed by the written part should,as a general rule,()that expressed by the printed part.
A. be transferred to
B. be preferred to
C. be referred to
D. conferred to
[单项选择]A heavy,thick-walled tube,usually steel,used between the drill pipe and the bit in the drill stem to weight the bit in order to improve its performance is called a().
A. heavy-walled drill pipe
B. tool joint
C. down hole tool
D. drill collar
[单项选择]Contracts whereby the possession and control of a ship vest()the Charterer are becoming more common today especially in the oil tanker trade.
A. on
B. to
C. at
D. in
[单项选择]A provisional agreement is one()
A.  that could benefit both of us.
B.  that you have finalized the delivery dates.
C.  that is made with certain conditions. 
D.  then he could get a large discount.
[单项选择]The committee is under()to reach agreement before midnight.
A. possibility
B. control
C. influence
D. pressure
[单项选择]No agreement was () in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.
A. arrived
B. obtained
C. reached
D. gained
[单项选择]The Agreement sha1l commence()a satisfactory Medical Report by a doctor nominated by the Company.
A. on the part of
B. in lieu of
C. subject to
D. in accordance with
[单项选择]I will()my lawyer to write out the agreement.
A. inform
B. notify
C. announce
D. report
[判断题]FTA(Free Trade Agreement)是指多边自由贸易协议。
[单项选择]Shipping society approved buoyant work vests are considered to be items of safety equipment and may be worn by members of the crew().
A. in lieu of life preservers during fire drills
B. in lieu of life preservers during boat drills
C. in lieu of life preservers during an actual emergency
D. when carrying out duties near a weather deck's edge


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