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发布时间:2023-11-15 04:51:50

[单项选择]The diurnal pressure variation is most noticeable in the().
A. polar regions
B. horse latitudes
C. roaring forties
D. doldrums

更多"The diurnal pressure variation is m"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The diurnal variation of pressure is most noticeable().
A. above the polar circles
B. in a low pressure area
C. during periods of low temperatures
D. in the doldrums
[单项选择]The variation for most given areas undergoes()change,the amount of which is also noted on charts.
A. an annual
B. a constant
C. a variable
D. an unstable
[单项选择]Most high pressure areas are accompanied by().
A. precipitation
B. clear,cool weather
C. humid,sticky weather
D. cool fogs
[单项选择]Diurnal aberration is due to().
A. motion of the Earth in its orbit
B. rotation of the Earth on its axis
C. the body's orbital motion during the time required for its light to reach the Earth
D. a false horizon
[单项选择]A tide is called diurnal when().
A. only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day
B. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual
C. the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart
D. two high tides occur during a lunar day
[单项选择]The fuel oil pressure and forced draught pressure should be matched to ensure good combustion with a full steady flameIn the sentence the word “match” means ()
A. join with
B. mix
C. be equal to
D. be constant
[单项选择]High pressure and low pressure alarms must be tested().
A. no earlier than 24 hours prior to loading
B. no later than 24 hours prior to loading
C. anytime prior to loading
D. weekly
[单项选择]The vapor pressure of a gas is the pressure necessary to keep it in a(n)().
A. soluble state
B. solid state
C. liquefied state
D. inert state
[单项选择]Which word indicates color variation in the characteristics of a light?()
A. Opposing
B. Changing
C. Reversing
D. Alternating
[单项选择]Variation is the angular measurement between().
A. compass north and magnetic north
B. compass north and true north
C. magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian
D. your vessel's heading and the magnetic meridian
[单项选择]Jitter is an unwanted variation of one or more characteristics of a periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications and()refers to call issues that cause variations in timing or time of arrival.
A. echo
B. jitter
C. packet loss
D. digitized sampling
[单项选择]Variation is a compass error that you().
A. can correct by adjusting the compass card
B. can correct by adjusting the compensating magnets
C. can correct by changing the vessel's heading
D. cannot correct
[单项选择]Variation in a compass is caused by().
A. worn gears in the compass housing
B. magnetism from the earth's magnetic field
C. magnetism within the vessel
D. lack of oil in the compass bearings
[单项选择]Variation is not constant; it is different with every change in().
A. speed
B. vessel heading
C. geographical location
D. cargo
[单项选择]Magnetic variation changes with a change in().
A. the vessel's heading
B. sea conditions
C. seasons
D. the vessel's position
[单项选择]How is variation indicated on a small-scale nautical chart?()
A. Magnetic compass table
B. Magnetic meridians
C. Isogonic lines
D. Variation is not indicated on small-scale nautical charts


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