Seeking to build support among black
families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent
black {{U}}pundit{{/U}} $240,000 to promote the law on his {{U}}nationally{{/U}}
{{U}}syndicated television show{{/U}} and to urge other black journalists to do the
same. The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required commentator Armstrong Williams "to regularly comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts," and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio spots that were aired during the show in 2004. Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the {{U}}arrangement{{/U}} unethical,but "I wanted to do it because it’s something I believe in." The top Democrat on the House Education Committee, Rep. George Miller of California, called the contract "a very qu A. from the State of California, a representative of his state at the House of Representatives, and a Republican Party member, and he sits on the Education Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States of America B. a Republican representative from the State of California, a representative of the House of Representatives of the USA to the State of California, and the top Democrat on the Education Committee of the House of Representatives C. a representative of the State of California to the House of Representatives of the United States of America, a member of the Democratic Party, and a member on the Education Committee of the House of Representatives D. a top Democrat representing George Miller from the State of California, a Republican Party member at the House of Representatives, and a member of the Education Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States of America [多选题]授信额度是指各法人机构根据个人客户的____等因素,核定的客户最高授信限额。
A.资产状况 B.经营情况 C.风险状况 D.还款能力 E.信用需求 [多选题]斗轮机液压系统漏油()
A.接头松动 B.垫圈损伤或老化 C.液压系统内泄 [单选题]一列客车的编组方式为:-A*B*C=C*B*A-。“=”表示()
A.全自动车钩 B.半永久牵引杆 C.半自动车钩 D.过渡车钩 [判断题]( )最著名的火腿有浙江的金华火腿,江苏的宣威火腿和云南的如皋火腿。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]铁路机车车辆、线路、桥隧、通信、信号、牵引供电、电力、信息、安全、给水、房建等技术设备,均须有完整和正确反映其技术状态的文件及技术履历等有关资料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )中的碳是以片状石墨的形式分布于金属基体中。
A.高碳钢 B.中碳钢 C.灰铸铁 D. 可 锻 铸 铁 [单选题] 下列构筑物属于生化池的是( )。
A.澄清池 B.沉砂池 C.A/O池 D.中和池 [判断题]枢纽及较大区段站应设分区所。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](48062)普速线路曲线地段,实设最大超高,在单线上不得大于( )。(1.0分)
A.150mm B.75mm C.50mm D.125mm [单选题] 变更工作班成员时,应经工作负责人同意,在对新的作业人员进行( )后,方可进行工作。
A. 安规考试 B. 安全知识培训 C. 安全交底手续 D. 口头许可 [单项选择]下列各项,不属病毒性脑炎脑脊液特点的是().
A. 脑脊液压力正常或增高,外观清亮或微浊 B. 白细胞数轻度增多,先以中性为主,后以淋巴为主 C. 蛋白质轻中度升高,糖含量正常 D. 涂片和培养无细菌发现 E. 脑脊液外观浑浊有薄膜 [单选题]收集来的信思是初始的、零乱的、孤立的信息,对这些信息进行分类和排序,就是信息( )。
A.发布 B.加工 C.收集 D.获取 重复(综合) [多项选择]在社会工作人才队伍建设试点工作中,各地充分发挥社工和志愿者的作用,下列对社工和志愿者关系的叙述正确的是()
A. 社工有一定的组织形式,而自愿者没有 B. 志愿服务是非职业活动,而社会工作是职业活动 C. 社工和志愿者都要接受专业教育和培训 D. 社工处理问题的复杂性大于志愿者 E. 社工的专业守则比志愿者的行为规范更严格 [单选题]扑救木质楼板、吊顶的建筑物火灾时,应当使用()探试楼板、吊顶强度,确认没有塌落危险后,保持前虚后实探步前进的方式进入室内救人、灭火。
A. 喷雾水 B. 开花水 C. 直流水 D. 射流水 [判断题]一般直径为10mm的过墙孔可穿放3条蝶形引入光缆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]巴氏高温短时间消毒法的时间是
A. 5秒 B. 15秒 C. 50秒 D. 15分钟 E. 30分钟 [判断题]一般说来,标准方差越小,各种可能收益的分布就越集中,投资风险也就越小。反之,标准方差越大,各种可能收益的分布就越分散,风险就越大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交