Are you the kind of person who likes
staying in unusual places If the answer is "yes", then try the world’s coldest
hotel in Jukkasjarvi in the north of Sweden. But go in winter or all you’ll find
is a pool of water, because the hotel melts every spring! The man who runs the Attic Hall Hotel is Nils Yngve Bergqvist. He built his first ice building for an art exhibition in 1991 and he designed the present hotel—over 200 meters square—himself. It took workmen about two months to pile 1,000 tons of snow onto a wooden base. As the weather got colder, the snow froze and then they removed the base. The whole building and everything in it are made of snow—except for the wooden front door. There’s a theatre which Nils uses for a jazz club, a radio station and a large ice bar. As you can imagine, hot drinks are popular with the guests! T A. creative B. unrealistic C. ambitious D. committed [单项选择]麦克米兰超级图书馆(Macmillan’sInfo.SuperLibrary)的网址是()。
A. B. C. D. www.mcp.lib [填空题]坡口的作用是保证焊缝透度、()和减小焊件的变形。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在三视图中,反映物体前后、左右位置关系的视图为( )。
A. 主视图 B. 俯视图 C. 左视图 D. 在三个视图中都有可能。 [单选题]部(分)队必须严格执行装备管理的有关条例和规章制度,加强日常管理,防止装备( ),保证装备始终处于良好状态。
A.丢失、损坏 B.丢失、损坏、锈蚀和霉烂变质 C.丢失、损坏、腐烂变质 D.丢失、损坏、变质 [判断题]( )D/LT 880-2004《带电作业用导线软质遮蔽罩》:对受潮的软质导线遮蔽罩进行干燥处理时,温度应不超过65℃。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为保留基层管理指挥骨干,消防救援站领导最高可以配备至( )(大队级正职)。
A.一级指挥员 B.二级指挥员 C.三级指挥长 [单选题]正线发车进路的人工延时解锁时间为( )。
A.30s B.13s C.3min D.3s [多选题]犯罪现场的要素有哪些( )
A.犯罪行为要素 B.时空要素 C.物质形态变化要素 D.被害人要素 [单选题]有关化学消毒剂的使用,错误的是
A.碘酊多用于皮肤的消毒 B.氯己定对金属和织物无腐蚀性 C.过氧乙酸可用于浸泡金属器械 D.戊二醛可用于浸泡内镜 E.碘附对皮肤、黏膜无刺激 [单项选择]FIDIC合同条件下,下列合同文件中,解释次序最优先的是( )。
A. 合同协议书 B. 中标函 C. 投标书 D. 图纸 [单选题]钢轨总磨耗等于垂直磨耗与( )之和。
A.侧面磨耗 B.1/2侧面磨耗 C.1/3侧面磨耗 D.1/4侧面磨耗 我来回答: 提交