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发布时间:2023-11-01 20:00:51

[单项选择]The () of the main shaft should be measured with a ().
A. clearance;calipers
B. sinking;bridge gauge
C. diameter;bridge gauge
D. clearance;lead wire

更多"The () of the main shaft should be "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The diameters of the crankpins should be measured using ().
A. a micrometer
B. a bridge gauge
C. a spanner
D. a wrench
[单项选择]During the dock repair, should be measured firstly before tail shaft drawn out()
A. the sinking of tail shaft
B. the clearance of stern bearing
C. the total flexure of shaft
D. main engine crankshaft deflection
[单项选择]The diameter of the crank-pins should be measured with a ().
A. salinometer
B. thermometer
C. tachometer
D. micrometer
[单项选择]During the deck repair,() should be measured firstly before tail shaft is drawn out.
A. the sinking of tail shaft
B. the clearance of stern bearing
C. the total flexure of both end bearing
D. main engine crankshaft deflection
[单项选择]The shaft and spare parts() should be well greased in order to avoid corrosion.
A. in the store room
B. in the cylinder
C. in the scavenge air box
D. in the water box
[单项选择]The wealth of a country should be measured()the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.
A. in line with
B. in terms of
C. in regard with
D. by means of
[单项选择]()day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.
A. From
B. By
C. on
D. With
[单项选择]The oil index of main engine should be controlled to prevent it from in heavy weather()
A. over heat
B. over speed
C. over pressure
D. over worn
[单项选择]An indicator on the main switchboard should show () the emergency battery is in service or not.
A. that
B. when
C. if
D. whether
[单项选择]Main propulsion engine lube oil sumps should be constructed ()
A. so as to never be integral lube
B. with a sloped bottom
C. only of nonferrous, noncorrosive metals
D. with drain/return lines terminating just above or at the designed normal level
[单项选择]Ullages are measured from().
A. the tank ceiling
B. the tank top bushing
C. the thievage mark
D. an above deck datum
[单项选择]The difference between measured and desired values is called ().
A. make-up
B. desired value
C. deviation
D. set value
[单项选择]Misalignment of the drive shaft and propeller shaft flanges can be detected by using a dial indicator or ().
A. inside micrometer
B. feeler gauge
C. adjustable trammel
D. sighting device
[单项选择]The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude ().
A. increases in north latitude and decreases in south latitude
B. decreases as DLO increases
C. increases with increased latitude
D. decreases with increased latitude
[单项选择]Differential pressures can be measured with the use of a ().
A. diaphragm type gage
B. pressure transducer
C. manometer
D. All of the above
[单项选择]The projection on a shaft designed to change circular motion into up and down or back and fore motion is called ().
A. wheel
B. crankshaft
C. running gear
D. cam


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