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发布时间:2023-10-18 19:59:12

[单项选择]In an oil cooler circulated by sea water, the oil is at a larger pressure, the result being that any leak in the cooler will mean a loss of ().
A. oil
B. sea water
C. refrigerant
D. fresh water

更多"In an oil cooler circulated by sea "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In an oil cooler circulated by sea water, the oil is at a larger pressure the result being that any leak in the cooler will mean a loss of ().
A. oil
B. sea water
C. refrigerant
D. fresh water
[单项选择]In a general oil cooler circulated by sea water, the oil is at a higher pressure, the result being that any leak in the cooler will mean a loss of ().
A. oil
B. sea water
C. air
D. fresh water
[单项选择]() is the production of pure water from sea water by evaporation and re-condensing.
A. Evaporation
B. Circulation
C. Condensation
D. Distillation
[单项选择]We use () to distill fresh water from sea water.
A. engine
B. sea water pump
C. cylinder cooler
D. fresh water generator
[单项选择]Biodegradation of the oil slick in sea water is assisted by all the following marine micro-organisms which are capable of metabolising oil compounds except().
A. bacteria
B. moulds
C. yeasts
D. seals
[单项选择]The oil () in the discharging water from oil water separator exceeds 15 PPM without alarm, because the coil was burnt out.
A. filter
B. hole
C. pollution
D. content
[单项选择]After stopping oily water separator, sea water should be permitted for () minutes,()should be closed after stopping pump to reduce oxidation corrosion of inner wall.
A. 15;inlet value
B. 15;inlet and outlet value
C. 30;inlet value
D. 30;inlet and outlet value
[单项选择]The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for ()
A. the filter to operate more efficiently
B. the lube oil cooler to be bypassed
C. positive lube oil pump suction to be assured
D. galvanic action in the cooler to be minimized
[单项选择]When distilling sea water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().
A. to decrease scale formation
B. for better cooling effect
C. for more economical purpose
D. to raise vacuum
[单项选择]In a complete oil/water separator, more oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates and travel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil collecting space Whats the meaning of "it" in the sentence above?()
A. a separator
B. oil
C. water
D. an oil collecting space
[单项选择]If oil density were greater than water’s, the oil separator ().
A. did work
B. would work well
C. didnt work
D. wouldnt work
[单项选择]Releasing oil from the sea anchor of a lifeboat may().
A. keep the propeller from being fouled
B. increase propeller speed
C. help calm the waves in the vicinity of the craft
D. increase the holding power of the sea anchor
[单项选择]Releasing oil from the sea anchor of a survival craft may().
A. keep the propeller from being fouled
B. increase propeller speed
C. help calm the waves in the vicinity of the craft
D. increase the holding power of the sea anchor
[单项选择]In a diesel engine jacket water cooler, with seawater cooling the fresh water, the()
A. sea water temperature must never be warmer than 40℃
B. jacket water pressure should always be greater than the sea water pressure
C. jacket water temperature must always be less than 60℃
D. jacket water pressure must always be less than the sea water pressure
[单项选择]The charges for cleaning()the oil pollution on sea will be to ship’s account.
A. with
B. up
C. away
D. off
[单项选择]If cooling water flow through the after-cooler is interrupted,the power output of a turbocharged diesel engine will drop because the ()
A. turbocharger will stall
B. density of the air charge will decrease
C. scavenge effect will increase
D. exhaust pressure will increase
[单项选择]In an oily water separator the oil will travel () to the oil collecting spaces.
A. upwards
B. downwards
C. outwards
D. forwards
[单项选择]The pump used to send the bilge water into the oily water separator()the mixture because this might create finer oil particles.
A. should agitate
B. should not agitate
C. should mix up
D. should not add up
[单项选择]The total quantity of oil discharge into the sea()for existing tankers 1/15000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo or which the residue formed a part().
A. does not exceed
B. should exceed
C. should be up to
D. should be no more than


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