Most of you graduating today will be
employees all your working life, working for somebody else and for a paycheck.
And so will most, (21) not all, of the thousands of other
young Americans graduating this year in all the other schools and colleges
across the country. (22) has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one (23) every five Americans all work was employed, i.e. , worked for somebody else. Today only 20% of Americans are not employed but working for themselves. And (24) fifty years ago "being employed" meant (25) as a factory laborer or as a farm hand, the em A. has undergone B. undergoes C. underwent D. had undergone [简答题]醋酸的主要合成方法主要有哪三种?
[单项选择]张律师为当事人贾某代理民事赔偿诉讼。贾某是原告,为了要让被告赔偿更多的损失,贾某谎报情况,伪造证据,并贿买证人作伪证。张律师知道了贾的违法行径后,仍继续进行诉讼代理,力争贾的诉讼请求得以实现。请问王律师对贾某的违法行为是否要负法律责任( )。
A. 仅负律师职业道德方面责任 B. 要负连带责任,因为知道情况后继续代理是对贾违法行为的默许和支持 C. 不负责任,因张律师未参加制造伪证 D. 不负责任,因张律师的意志可独立于当事人之外 [判断题]磁吹式避雷器是利用磁场对电弧的电动力使电弧运动,来提高间隙的灭弧能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]东风4B型内燃机车柴油机启动方式为()。
A. 电机启动 B. 液压启动 C. 惰性启动 D. 复合启动 [单选题] 用汽车运输气瓶时,气瓶应( )放置并可靠固定。 (1.0分) 答案:
A. 纵向 B. 横向 C. 竖立 D. 水平 [多选题]关于高压试验现场,以下说法正确的是()。
A.试验现场应装设遮栏或围栏 B.遮栏或围栏与试验设备高压部分应有足够的安全距离 C.遮栏或围栏上应向外悬挂“止步,高压危险!”的标示牌,并派人看守 D.被试设备两端不在同一地点时,另一端还应派人看守 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]社区服务的功能主要包括:()
A. 促进社会福利水平 B. 社会整合 C. 社会控制 D. 加强精神文明建设 [单项选择]绿系统失效时,防滞功能:().
A. 失去 B. 限制在2000PSI的刹车压力 C. 用黄系统操纵 D. 无任何影响 [单项选择]不属厥证先兆症状的是()
A. 头晕 B. 视物模糊 C. 面色苍白 D. 出汗 E. 胸闷疼痛 [多项选择]关于财务杠杆的表述,不正确的有( )。
A. 财务杠杆系数由企业资本结构决定,债务资本比率越高时,财务杠杆系数越大 B. 财务杠杆系数反映财务风险,即财务杠杆系数越大,财务风险也就越大 C. 财务杠杆系数受销售结构的影响 D. 财务杠杆系数可以反映息税前盈余随着每股盈余的变动而变动的幅度 [单选题]不能完成计算机间互连的介质是( )。
A.光线 B.微波 C.飞机 D.铜线 [单项选择]
某韩国独资制鞋有限公司,2004年7月22日至8月7日,接连出现3例含苯化学物及汽油中毒患者(经职业病医院确诊)。3名女性中毒者都是在该公司生产流水线上进行手工刷胶的操作工。有关人员到工作现场调查确认: A. 职业性眼病 B. 职业性皮肤病 C. 职业中毒 D. 职业性肿瘤 [不定项选择题]据统计,201 1年我国国内生产总值为74970亿美元;2011年我国货物服务22口总额为20867亿美元,经常账户收支顺差2017亿美元,资本和金融账户收支顺差2211亿美元,国际储备资产增加3878亿美元;201 1年底末清偿外债余额5489亿美元。我国外债的债务率为( )。
A.7.3% B.9.6% C.26.3% D.42.1% [单选题]当制冷管道NH3泄漏可用( )敷于裂口。
A.浸湿 棉织物 B.干纺织物 C.橡胶 D.塑料 [单项选择]腭裂术后发生创口穿孔(腭瘘)的最主要原因是()
A. 饮食 B. 张力过大 C. 出血 D. 感染 E. 患儿哭闹 [判断题]移动倾斜观察2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币上的光彩光变数字,可见数字颜色在金色和绿色之间交替变化,并可见到一条亮光带左右滚动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]数据网网管按( )级设置。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]What is the lifesaving signal for You are seen -assistance will be given as soon as possible?()
A. 3 white star signals B. Horizontal motion with a white flag C. Vertical motion of a white light D. Code letter K by blinker light [单项选择]行政机关依法制定规范性法律文件的行为属于()。
A. 具体行政行为 B. 抽象行政行为 C. 行政执法行为 D. 非行政行为 [单项选择]
MEMO From: Dr Ohao Liang Luen, Chief Medical Officer To: All Managers of the Dragon Company’s Branch Factories Date: 29 November Loss of hearing among workers in our factories is now becoming a very serious problem of which all managers and supervisors must be aware. It is important to identify workers whose hearing may have (19) because of unacceptable noise in certain (20) of a factory. Where there is very noisy machinery, supervisors usually (21) ear protectors to operatives and to those working nearby. However, not all workers are willing to wear ear protectors and often (22) instructions to do so. Others put them on but then (23) them unless they are (24) supervised. Appropriate, training and information about the (25) which can be caused by noise is probably the most effective way of dealing with this problem, provided that it is foll A. constant B. enduring C. infinite D. lasting [单选题]某人在遭遇不幸时来自于朋友的关心帮助可以缓解应激强度,帮助度过困难是属于形成心理问题的哪方面因素
A.个人成长因素 B.环境因素 C.社会支持 D.人格特征 我来回答: 提交