When might you need to give blood for a
personality (个性) test The answer is that you, night need to do so when you ask
for a job. Some people believe that your blood group hides no secret. It shows the "real you". And the owners of a certain blood group might be particularly good or bad at certain tasks. This is the very reason why you could be asked to offer your blood group before being given a job. The new idea was carried out first in Japan and now it has been brought over to other parts of the world. One important business company in Japan is quite special about its needs: "For out office members, we must have 30 percent of group A and 15 percent of group AB, 25 percent of group O and 30 percent of group B." Do you happen to know your own blood group7 It seems that if you belong to blood group O, you can get thin A. People’s blood types decide their life. B. People’s blood types decide their personality. C. A person of blood group O does well in thinking. D. A person of blood group AB is good at dealing with problems. [简答题]荧光眼底血管造影对近视眼诊断有何帮助?
About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alcohol,tobacco,and drugs.Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors. Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths.One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods. After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relationships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults,as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth. After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations. Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older cililciren and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.F'arents may ieei uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the traditional child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm. What can we infer from the passage? A.Teenagers tend to stay at their friends' houses for a long time. B.Relationships with adults may cause unhealthy development in youths. C.The after-school programs can be used for many different kids. D.Teenagers do not like the after-school programs. [多选题]机务段配属的运用机车主要有()。
A.客运机车 B.路用机车 C.专用调车机车 D.货运机车 E.检修机车 [多选题]救援过程中避免( )与( )之间快速切换,做到平稳操纵。
A.牵引 B.加速 C.加压 D.制动 [单项选择]正常女性染色体核型为
A. 46,XY B. 46,XX C. 23,XX D.44,XX D. 44,XY [判断题]检验检疫机构对标识查验合格商品给予放行,不合格的不予放行,情节严重者按有关规定处罚。 ( )
A.转业士官 B.复员士官 C.部队军官 D.排职少尉军官 [判断题]施工单位的应急救援预案,应当包括定期培训、演练计划及定期检查制度等。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]天然气是由多种可燃和不可燃的气体组成的混合气体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]既能退虚热,又能除疳热的药物是( )
A. 柴胡、银柴胡 B. 黄连、胡黄连 C. 银柴胡、胡黄连 D. 牡丹皮、赤芍 E. 白薇、秦艽 [单选题]在元代画家的笔下,花鸟画已经成为借物抒情、托物言志的途径,这种发展无疑丰富了花鸟画的内涵。发展至明清时期,许多花鸟画家更把家国观念、道德品评、祈求幸福等传统的人文精神寄托于画中,有些画家甚至将花鸟内容个性化,借以表达喜怒哀乐。因此,画家创作时重视追求境界多于形似,因而特别讲究笔墨运用,注重意境。他们不把绘画称为“画画”,而叫“写画”,确实有其原因。
A.比较元代和明清绘画技法的不同 B.叙述古代花鸟画的演变过程 C.解释“画画”和“写画”的区别 D.强调明清花鸟画的创作更加注重意境 [判断题]由生胶制造各种橡胶制品一般生产过程包括塑炼、混炼、压延、成型、硫化五个阶段。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]>一般粗粒砂轮的工作效率比细粒砂轮的( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]题目 138
以下哪个是法国的汽车品牌( )。 A. 雪佛兰 B.奔驰 C.标致 D.丰田 [单选题]银行卡透支涉嫌信用卡诈骗(不包括商户诈骗),经公安机关或检查机关正式立案侦察( )天以上,仍无法收回的剩余款项,可以认定为呆账。
A.90 B.120 C.180 D.365 [多选题][多选]施工升降机出厂应随机附有()等质量技术资料。
A.产品合格证 B.型式试验报告 C.专项方案 D.应急预案 E.使用说明书 [报关编码]色织人纤短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物
A.以施工图设计文件为依据 B.以预算定额为计价依据 C.对工程项目的工程造价进行预测和计算 D.在初步设计阶段经过业主同意并包干使用的投资额 E.在初步设计阶段进行招投标时的造价限额投资 [判断题]在带电的接触网下进行线路,桥隧施工和维修作业时,搬运长大杆件时,应平放在车上运送或由两人抬运、严禁在搬运中竖立或高举,以防长大杆件触电,危及搬运人员的安全。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]脑细胞对缺氧最敏感,一般缺氧超过( )min就会造成不可逆转的损害导致脑死亡。
A.5 B.8 C.12 D.15 [判断题]任何人进入生产现场应戴安全帽。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]哪项中药是痰热咳喘、肠燥便秘首选的()
A. 白果 B. 枇杷叶 C. 桑白皮 D. 半夏 E. 瓜蒌 [多选题]根据GB50058—2014《爆炸危险环境电力装置设汁规范》,II类电气设备用于除煤矿甲烷气体之外的其他爆炸性气体环境。II类电气设备按照其拟使用的爆炸性环境的种类可进一步( )
A.II A类:代表性气体是丙烷 B.II B类:代表性气体是乙烯 C.II C类:代表性气体是氢气 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}