Every year as Christmas time rushes in,
I get frantic inquiries from readers asking about the legality of giving
handguns as gifts. Most of these folks are just like me: they don’t get around
to their Christmas shopping until it’s almost Christmas Eve. So when they run
into the legal tangles surrounding firearms transfer, they don’t have time to
find solutions before Santa’s big day. The process can be very complicated and time-consuming, and in some particular state and local jurisdictions it is, sadly, close to being not worth the trouble. The most unfortunate thing from the Christmas-gift point of view is that the legal requirements surrounding firearms transfer make it nearly impossible to give someone a gun as a surprise. Santa can’t just leave it under the tree: he’d be committing a federal crime. First let’s deal with f A. they often frighten people B. they can make people commit crimes C. their purchase can be annoyingly complicated and time consuming D. they will bring people bad luck [单项选择]单某,男,28岁。首次接受针刺。在针刺的过程中,患者突然头昏,眼花,面色苍白,恶心欲吐,汗出。脉细弱。此患者出现上述症状的最可能原因是:()。
A. 精神紧张 B. 疲劳、饥饿 C. 体位不当 D. 医生针刺手法过重 E. 吐、汗、下、出血过度 [单选题]根据规定, 《导游人员资格证书》应由( )颁发。
A.当地导游协会 B.县级旅游行政管理部门 C.市级旅游行政管理部门 D.省级旅游行政管理部门 [单选题]‒年,以历史事件和历史人物为题材的历史剧在各大电视台掀起一股热播潮。下列历史事件与人物的对应关系正确的是( )。
A.商鞅变法——公孙鞅 B.官渡之战——袁术 C.玄武门之变——李隆基 D.虎门销烟——康有为 [多选题](第三十条)使用通信导向绳时,( )。
A.绳索释放不宜太长 B.拐角转弯不能过多 C.在拐角处设立保护点 D.必须使用发光类导向绳 [单项选择] 请根据下面短文回答下列题:
No one wants to be caught in the rain without an umbrella. Umbrellas come in different shapes and sizes. Many of them can be put into bags in case of a sudden rain. Just about everyone owns an umbrella, but not many of us give them a second thought. People don’t know exactly where the first umbrella came into being. Some say Egypt (埃及) while others say China. What is for sure is that they’ve been around a very long time. They weren’t used to protect people from the rain, however. They were used to keep people from the sun. Women were the first people to carry umbrellas. In 1750, an Englishman decided to carry an umbrella everywhere he went, and he became the center of people’s talk. Not caring about the laughs of those around him, he carried his umbrella for 30 years. Then, it became OK for men to carry umbrellas. Because they were firstly made of wood, umbrellas were not only expensive, but also difficult to use. In 1852, Samuel Fox made A. large B. small C. Doesn’t say. [单项选择]一氧化碳的生物监测指标是()。
A. 血铅 B. 尿铅 C. 尿镉 D. 血中血红蛋白 E. 血中碳氧血红蛋白 [单项选择]童话最重要的特征是()。
A. 幻想 B. 怪诞 C. 象征 D. 拟人 [简答题]跑步的踏步,听到立定口令,继续踏几步?(简单)
A. 分部分项工程量清单 B. 措施项目清单 C. 其他项目清单 D. 建设单位配合项目清单E.规费和税金项目清单 [单选题]下列关于慢性龈炎的描述中哪一项不准确
A.牙周探诊深度可超过3mm B.无附着丧失 C.可发生在每个人一生的某个时期 D.部分可发展成牙周炎 E.只累及边缘龈,不累及附着龈 [单选题]RFD-3048V直流无刷电机风扇在正常使用情况下,每年使用前须检查电机工况,按极性接通()直流电源(红色线接正极,黑色线接负极),如出现电机不工作,电机异响,温升过高,非正常停顿等现象时,应立即停止使用该电机。
A.36V B.12V C.24V D.48V [判断题]事故停电、检修停电、计划限电造成客户停电时,供电企业应扣减客户停电期间的基本电费。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]接触网安全等级一级允许担当下列哪些工作?
A.推扶车梯 B.拉绳 C.清扫基础帽 D.清扫绝缘子 [单选题] 断路器用( )表示。
A.qs B.fu C.qf [单项选择]设有以下程序段
int x=0,s=0; while(!x!=0)s+=++x; printf("%d",s); 则 A. 运行程序段后输出0 B. 运行程序段后输出1 C. 程序段中的控制表达式是非法的 D. 程序段执行无限次 [判断题]企业主要负责人、分管安全负责人和安全生产管理人员的安全生产知识和管理能力应当经考核合格,不合格者可先上岗再补考。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] ( )树脂罐内部由布水器、布盐器和集水器构成,它们的失效都会造成制水量减少。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]铝搪瓷烧成后瓷面有裂纹的原因,首要检查涂搪厚度,厚度如果超过()μm将是很危险的。
A. 80 B. 100 C. 120 D. 140 [多选题]甲欲杀乙而向乙开枪射击,子弹从乙的衣袖穿过,恰巧击中了与乙同行的丙,致丙重伤。丙在医疗过程中由于伤口感染而死亡。甲的行为构成( )。
A.故意杀人罪(未遂) B.故意伤害罪 C.过失致人死亡罪 D.过失致人重伤罪 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,作业保障是指作业单位应为作业人员提供符合国家法律、标准及公司规定的现场安全条件,不具备安全生产条件的不得从事现场作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
人大脑皮层的听觉代表区位于 A.中央前回 B.中央后回 C.中央前回与脑岛之间 D.颞横回和颞上回 E.枕叶皮层内侧面 [单选题]一个现代大型企业的经营战略一般可分为三个层次,以下哪一个不是正确答案( )。
A.公司级战略 B.经营单位级战略 C.系统级战略 D.职能级战略 [单项选择]少冲穴为()
A. 心经的合水穴 B. 心经的经金穴 C. 心经的荥火穴 D. 心经的井木穴 [单选题]依据《中国银监会关于印发银行业消费者权益保护工作指引的通知》,银行业金融机构应当设立或指定专门部门负责银行业消费者权益保护工作,以下关于银行业消费者权益保护职能部门的表述,( )是错误的。
A.应当具备开展相关工作的独立性.权威性和专业能力 B.享有向董事会.行长会议直接报告的途径 C.负责牵头组织.协调.督促.指导本机机构其他部门及下级机构开展消费者权益保护工作 D.制定消费者权益保护工作的战略.政策和目标 [判断题]总行授信审批部负责拟定和修改本行同业客户评级办法和管理规程,统一制定同业客户信用评级主标尺及与外部评级的对应关系,指导和监督全行同业客户内部评级工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]金标定量检测仪多用()
A. 复合型免疫层析技术 B. 斑点金免疫渗滤法 C. Acculevel的免疫层析法 D. 荧光抗体技术 E. 时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术 [单项选择]What is the cause of the stampede
A. Insufficient gates to the concert hall. B. Unreserved seat tickets. C. Unpunctuality of the ticket office workers. D. The lack of policeman to keep order. [填空题]岩心入库上交资料时,录入( )。
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