TV Commercials and Print Ads Despite the fact that advertisers spend $ 44 billion on the major television networks and cable TV advertising, a new study show that consumers think print ads more entertaining and less offensive than television commercials. They study, conducted by Video Storyboard Tests in New York, showed that more consumers considered prints ads "artistic" and "enjoyable". The 2,000 consumers surveyed blasted TV ads compared to their print counterparts: 34 percent of respondents thought print ads were artistic, compared with 15 percent for television ads; 35 per cent thought print ads were enjoyable, compared to 13 percent for television; and, most surprising, 33 percent of consumers felt print ads were entertaining A. advertisers B. Video Story Tests C. television executives D. not specified [单项选择]古人根据婚、嫁、产时期的不同,对阴道口冠以命名,该妇女在未产时,称阴道口是()
A. 玉门 B. 龙门 C. 胞门 D. 子门 E. 廷孔 [判断题]发现人员触电,在没有断电且采取安全措施前,不得用手或手持非绝缘物品直接接触触电者身体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 录像 B. 小册子 C. 座谈会 D. 个别教育 E. 专题讲座 [简答题]《技规》规定LKJ的中文名称是( )。
A.肺病及肾 B.肝病及肾 C.肺病及心 D.心病及肝 E.脾病及肾 [判断题]真空灭弧室外壳是陶瓷的机械强度比外壳是玻璃的低。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]墙地砖按表面装饰可分为( )。
A. 炻瓷砖 B. 外墙砖、室内地面砖、广场砖、花园砖 C. 无釉墙地砖和有釉墙地砖(彩釉砖) D. 炻质砖、细炻砖、炻瓷砖、瓷质砖 [单项选择]前列腺电切(TURP)术中及术后常见的并发症是()
A. TURP综合征 B. 术后出血 C. 膀胱穿孔 D. 尿失禁 E. 以上都是 我来回答: 提交