Before high school teacher Kimberly
Rugh got down to business at the start of a recent school week, she joked with
her students about how she’d had to clean cake out of the comers of her house
after her 2-year-old son’s birthday party. This friendly combination of chitchat
took place not in front of a blackboard but in an Email message that Rugh sent
to the 135 students she’s teaching at the Florida Virtual School, one of the
nation’s leading online high schools. The school’s motto is "any time, any
place, any path, any pace". Florida’s E-school attracts many students who need flexible s A. online schooling is more convenient and efficient. B. online schooling lacks in face-to-face contact and socialization. C. online schooling is not for everyone. D. An overall estimate on online schooling. [单选题]河源水电厂厂房安装有( )台立轴轴流转浆式水轮机。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]以近期的记忆代替整个测评时期的全部实际表现,导致的测评结果误差是( )带来的。
A.晕轮效应 B.感情效应 C.近因误差 D.首因效应 [判断题]( )示波器的带宽是测量交流信号时,示波器所能测试的最大频率。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]真丝针织布制腹带
A. 凤姐 B. 李纨 C. 探春 D. 李嬷嬷 [判断题]决定的正文部分由制发决定的根据、执行要求和结尾三大部分组成。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ( )是培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的基本途径。根据题意进行选择正确选项
A.教育引导 B.精神发展 C.生产传播 D.网络教育 [单选题]治疗精神分裂症的首选药物是
A. 氯丙嗪 B.奋乃静 C.氛派定醇 D.丙米嗪 E. 碳酸锂 [多选题]以下( )设备不是相敏轨道电路组成部件。
A.摩擦连接器 B.BG5-B C.BZ-B D.BG1-7 [判断题]局《服务质量规范》中要求行李车和邮政车货仓门插好插销、搭扣落槽, 加链条锁封闭;风挡处端门、边门锁闭并加底锁;连接客车端门必须加双锁隔离。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的根本目的。
A.A解放和发展社会主义生产力 B.B提高人民物质文化生活水平 C.C实现共同富裕 D.D 实现共产主义 [判断题]因备自投或重合闸成功后恢复的负荷量、用户侧低压释放装置动作等用户自身原因脱离电网的负荷量不计入电网减供负荷。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下面哪个不是系统确认的系统( ). (1 分)
A.真空 B.压空 C.冷却水 D.电气 我来回答: 提交